
Sunday, April 2, 2023

First Appearance Martian Manhunter and The Atom

Classic DC Comics Characters!

Did you know that it has been a point of contention amongst comic book fans that The Martian Manhunter was really the first Silver Age DC superhero and not The Flash?

It’s true.  J’onn J’onzz (aka: The Martian Manhunter) actually appeared in DC Comics before the new Silver Age Flash-Barry Allen.

The Atom during the Golden Age of DC Comics was actually a pint-sized tough guy who trained himself to be super strong and agile and took on crime.

During the Silver Age Ray Palmer (The Atom) was a scientist who could shrink to any size using the power of a white dwarf star.  The third Atom is Ryan Choi who has mastered mass and weight control.

Years ago when I was just a child I remember going to the Goodwill with my mother and looking through the comic books.  They were 2 for 5 cents.  I picked up my usual $1 worth and just before I was ready to go the counter to spend my cash I noticed a DC Comic Book.

It was Detective Comics #225 and it held a back-up story about a scientist who accidentally transports the last survivor of Mars to Earth.  The Martian was J’onn J’onzz The Martian Manhunter.

Trapped on Earth J’onn used his shape shifting ability to become a human and soon took up the guise of a human detective.

The DC Direct First Appearance label is a little deceiving.

While the figures contained in each square bound, free-standing/hanging box with a clear plastic viewing panel do feature said characters they are dressed in their contemporary garb.

The DC Direct Martian Manhunter figure is dressed in a predominately blue outfit with light blue cape and large black circular shapes around the stiff upswept collar.

The cape is trimmed in red and red accents are on the figure’s gloves, legs, chest and waist that really make the figure stand out.

The figure also wears full sleeve gloves and blue knee boots.  It is fully articulated and nicely sculpted and painted with no rough edges, slopover of colors or stiff articulation.

The same holds true for The Atom figure.

The Series 4 Martian Manhunter figure has a humanoid face albeit it is green and has red eyes and an elongated cranium.

I’m sorry but Ray Palmer will always be my favorite Atom.  Not to take anything away from those who followed in his footsteps but Ray is the man and always be in my mind.

The Atom figure is packaged in the same sort of box as The Martian Manhunter.  Like the Manhunter it comes with a circular base.

The figure’s outfit consists of a red and blue full body suit with a full headpiece with eye openings and his lower face and eyes showing.

An atom symbol is on the headpiece forehead and well as on the gold belt he wears.  

The figure’s outfit is a modification of original Atom’s outfit.

The figure stands with both hands clenched, legs slightly apart and erect.  Musculature is well defined as are the facial features.

On the back of both figures’ boxes is a complete gallery of the characters available in the 4th Series that also includes Blue Beetle in regular and stealth mode, Aquaman and Warlord.


"Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'" — John 8:58

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