
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Secret Places


As a kid I loved to explore. Many times I would start out walking from my home and walk miles (sometimes alone, other times with a friend) the back roads in the country.

I’d (we’d) explore dark forests, small creeks, ponds, abandoned buildings and often come home just before sunset. We always took along a few snacks and something to drink. Surprisingly we never got lost.

Our parents never worried about us. It was during the 1950s and 1960s and as compared to today’s society it was safe. Imagine a kid doing that today!

As an adult I still like to walk paths less trod and ride my bike down back alleys, through small neighborhoods and to out of the way locations. It’s fun wondering what is around the next bend in the road.

I always wanted to be an explorer-kind of a latter day Indiana Jones. But, life got in the way so I have to content myself with bike rides, walks and the occasional drive in the country exploring the back roads.

Schiffer Publishing has released a brand new hard bound book: Secret Places, edited by Jochen Mussig, the explores 100 undiscovered travel destinations around the world.

Every type of geography is explored from deep and dark jungles, high mountain tops, hidden rivers, scorching deserts, isolated communities, harsh arctic landscapes and so much more.

The book is filled with color photos of the hidden locations along with complete descriptions of each.

Advice is provided to readers/explorers should they decide to set out to visit each location.

Weather conditions, transportation, customs, maps, provisions, clothing, necessary cautions information and so forth are provided.

Discover the many types of flora and fauna prevalent in each area along with the native population (if any) and what to expect with each excursion.

If you’re an explorer like me at heart Secret Places is sure to spark your imagination and motivate you to explore even more.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." — Isaiah 40:31

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