
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book Merchandise 2011-2022 Volume 3

Star Wars Is Everywhere!

It’s everywhere-from sneakers to peanut butter, household goods, furniture, clothing-in each and every facet of consumers’ lives.

I’m talking about Star Wars merchandise.

Author Geoffrey T. Carlton once again demonstrates his encyclopedic knowledge of all things Star Wars with his Schiffer Publishing’s massive hardbound book: Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book Merchandise 2011-2022 Volume 3.

Mention Star Wars merchandise and most people instantly think of toys-not so!

Star Wars has successfully intertwined itself in every aspect of merchandise.

Everywhere you look in almost any retail store you’re bound to see something that is Star Wars themed.

It’s an epidemic.

The book delves int all things Star Wars with full color photos of merchandise, prices, variants, manufacturers and so much more.

To quote a certain black-garbed Sith bad guy, “Impressive, most impressive!”

You be impressed to with the sheer volume of stuff carrying the Star Wars moniker.

Just toys? Just like the galaxy far, far away, Star Wars merchandise is huge! 

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." — Proverbs 3:3-4

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