
Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Forever Home

The Perfect Home!

My wife and I have lived in our current home since 1985. We’ve raised two kids, had a slew of pets, repainted, re-roofed, replaced utilities, landscaped and generally kept the property up for all these years.

Our home is not a showcase-it’s a living space.  It's comfy, secure and our sanctuary.

Yes, the wallpaper is a bit aged, the floors could use a refinishing and a few doors and windows creak, but it’s our home.

People feel comfortable in it when they come to visit.

Our kids, now grow, notice any little changes when they come to see us. Our grand-kids love running down the hallway, scooting into rooms and exploring closets, grandpa’s man cave and grandma’s kitchen.

The garage has too much stuff in it. Our home has 38 years worth of accumulated stuff fill its closets, attic and rooms-but we love it.

In The Forever Home, by Boyce (nice name) Thompson and published by Schiffer Publishing, advice is given about designing houses to last a lifetime.

My wife and I fully intend to spend our last days here and to pass on the property to our kids-contents and all.

Inside the book are full color photos of the exterior and interior of various types of model homes from all over the globe are shown along with floor plans and text.

The author provides helpful information on the type of homes readers require such as single family, retirees, etc.

Homes range from ranch style, two story, open floor plan, intimate private areas, indoor/outdoor flows and so forth.

Estimates are provided for costs, utilities, building considerations, location, state and country ordinances and other helpful information.

Locations range from river front, to wetlands, mountains, beaches, open plains, forests-every conceivable type of building environment.

Homes are designed to fit individual or family needs both emotionally and financially,

Tips include suggestions on heating and cooling, utilities, materials used, multi-family and rentals and much more.

All of this boils down to one simple fact-homes are meant for people. They need to be comfortable, affordable, environmentally safe and friendly and most of lived in-hopefully for generations to come. 

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." — Psalm 46:1


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