
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Dreary & Naughty: The ABC’s Of Being Dead

Who would ever think that being dead would be so lively? Certainly not I.

But I was proven wrong after reading John LaFleur and Shawn Dubin’s illustrated book: Dreary & Naughty: The ABC’s Of Being Dead.

Dreary, the son of The Grim Reaper and Naughty, the daughter of Hades Gatekeeper have a problem.

Neither one of them wants to follow in the father’s footsteps.

Dreary is a pacifist and loathes the horrific deaths his father takes part in and Naughty, as devilish as she is, wants no part of taking souls to their final resting places.

Both approach their fathers about their concerns and aren’t surprised by their responses.

Still the two deathly teens convince their dads of their wish to find themselves. They even manage to convince some of their dead friends that are in similar situations, to follow their desires.

The small blood red hardback book: Dreary & Naughty: The ABC’s Of Being Dead, comes courtesy of Schiffer Publishing.

As grim as it may first appear, the book is actually about one finding oneself despite the expectations of others.

It’s touching, poetic and tackles the questions everyone has, “Why am I here and what is my purpose?”

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" — Micah 6:8

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