
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Wizard Special Edition Avengers

If you’re into the history of comic books like myself any book or publication about said history is a must have.  Such is the case with Wizard’s Special Edition The Avengers.

What I always enjoyed about the Wizard magazine specials is that each and everyone took great care to provide lots of details and hidden gems about whatever superhero they covered.

The Wizard Special Edition The Avengers is no exception.

George Perez provided the cover art and inside the Kurt Busiek and George Perez run on The Avengers get the heavy spotlight it deserves.

Each Avengers member is examined, along with various animated series, Avengers variations, key events and more.

Colorful, entertaining and fun to the read the special publication also includes a free preview of Marvel Comics New Warriors.

Be sure to check out the schematic of Ultron and take The Avengers 101 Tour.

"And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" — Acts 20:35

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