Sunday, May 12, 2024

Captain America The First Avenger The Art Of The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

Of all of Marvel Studios Marvel Comics Phase 1’s movies I have to say that Captain America The First Avenger is my favorite.

The movie stayed true to the comic book Captain America origin story right down to almost every detail.

Chris Evans made the perfect Steve Rogers/Captain America and the entire cast that portrayed Bucky, The Red Skull, The Howling Commandos and others looked and acted like their comic book counterparts.

 In Titan Books’ Captain America The First Avenger The Art Of The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga book, written by Matthew K. Manning and designed by Mike Zagari, readers get to see just what it took to make such a great iconic film.

The oversize, hardbound book, with dust cover, features a heavy-binding cover, high-gloss paper stock for interior pages that really makes the art and photos pop.

Chapters are broke down by The American Dream, The Sentinel Of Justice, The Red Menace, Allied Forces, The Battle Lines, Heavy Artillery, Seeing Action, The Art Of War and includes a foreword by Rick Heinrichs.

The Joe Johnson directed film harkens back to the days of World War II and successfully captures the look, feel and ambiance of that era.

Costumes, weapons, transportation vehicles, war machines and military complexes look like they were constructed with the available technology and manufacturing techniques of that time period.

The introduction presents Captain America to readers complete with his back story, comic book art and much of U.S.A.’s propaganda art of the time.

Artwork, concept sketches, paintings, black and white and color photos illustrate the incredible amount of work that it took to pull off such a period movie.

Costumes and wardrobes look authentic, settings and vehicles reflect the WWII era and weapon designs along with sets capture the feel of war years.

Marvel at the concept art, miniatures, set pieces, weapons and accessories, wardrobes, set dressings and even the color palette and lighting used in the film capture the look of the mid-1900s.

It’s an incredibly well-designed book brimming with photos, filled with fascinating text, commentaries and movie technical jargon.

I absolutely love the photos of the costumes, weapons, aircraft, heavy artillery, mechanized transports and amazing sets.

A storyboard sequence is also included.

This is a jam-packed book contains highly-detailed images and text.

I felt as if I were reading a Captain America comic book only with real images-it’s that good.

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

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