
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan

The first Star Trek movie was a success-but not a big one. Fans of the original series liked the movie but felt it lacked the familiar feel of the 1966-1969 series.

Paramount Studios decided to take a chance and make a new Star Trek film, with a smaller budget, and hope for the best.

Star Trek; The Wrath Of Khan is considered by most of the Star Trek: The Original Series fans as the best of the Star Trek films starring the original cast.

Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan was like watching the classic TV series only with a bigger budget and cooler special effects. 

It even brought back Captain Kirk’s most formidable foe: Khan Noonien Singh-the megalomaniac, genetically engineered conqueror from the late 20th Century.

Did you know that William Shatner (Captain Kirk) and Ricardo Montalban (Khan) never filmed a scene together? They acted their scenes separately and later the scenes were compiled to make the film.

Titan Books’ Star Trek The Wrath Of Khan The Making Of The Classic Film, written by John Tenuto and Maria Jose Tenuto, with a foreword by Julie Nimoy, delves into making the Star Trek film the not only revitalized the Star Trek franchise but set the standard by which all other Star Trek films and TV shows had to adhere to.

The huge hardbound book’s dust jacket recreates the film’s poster on its front with spot varnished photos from the film on its back.

Dull-coated, paper-stock interior pages let the gloss photos standout. The entertaining and enlightening text make for a fascinating read.

The book explores how the second Star Trek film was highly influenced by the original TV series including costume design, the refitting and revamping of the first Trek film’s interiors, technology and set pieces.

Sets were smaller and more intimate, action was ramped up and each cast member was given their own special moment.

Discover how the Enterprise was lit, slightly modified and equipment, practical and special effects were pulled off.

There are plenty of main cast member photos along with other cast members, lots of interior and planet side photos. production sketches and art, miniatures, and even a section on Star Trek movie merchandise.

The Wrath Of Khan was a much more dynamic, up-close and personal and emotional film that captured the essence of the TV series.

I loved seeing behind-the-scenes photos of the cast, technicians and support staff at work and the wizards of special effects doing their magic.


1 Corinthians 10:13 - There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

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