
Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Mighty Thor #388

Thor: Alone Against The Celestials!

The cover says it all as The God Of Thunder faces off against the space gods: The Celestials!

Thor stands atop an alien planet mountain and is awed by the arrival of the gigantic Celestials.

The Celestials have passed judgment on the planet and methodically begin the destruction of the populated planet.

Infuriated Thor attacks The Celestials and is instantly transported into a mad alternate universe.  

Savagely attacked by its inhabitants Thor prevails and manages to teleport back to the Celestials.

Thor attacks the largest of the space gods and pierces its brain only to attacked by a vicious armored monster.

Once again Thor prevails and using the power of his hammer shatters The Celestials dome covered head only to be attacked by a horde of the same type of monsters like the one he encountered before.

WOW!  This issue is awesome!  Talk about action!

Thor not only fights The Celestials, space pirates, Thor’s hammer is destroyed and Thor has no choice but to continue to fight using his own awesome power.

Marvel Comics’ The Mighty Thor #388 establishes the connection The Celestial have to the creation of the galaxy and also their ties to the Asgardian gods.

Psalms 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

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