
Thursday, June 16, 2022

Times Are Tough

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that times are tough. High gas and food prices, skyrocketing rental and home purchase costs, distribution problems, unsettling world conflicts and political and social upheaval-the list goes on and on

People have very little disposable income. Comic book, book, toy and other collectible sales are down as are other products on people’s wish lists.

It seems everywhere you look people are hurting and stressed. Honestly, if wasn’t for the fact that I’m saved and confident that God has everything under control I’d be stressed, panicked and lost as to what to do.

Like other endeavors my blog has been hit by the troubling economic times. Review samples have nearly dried up. With the high cost of producing goods, expensive mailing and shipping rates and the upheaval in manufacturing overseas it’s easy to see why.

But, I refuse to give up. God has a plan for my life and that includes my blog. To me it is more than just reviewing products. It’s a great way to communicate the love of God in the scriptures I include in my reviews and the opportunity it gives me to praise God.

Sure, product review samples are few and far between but I won’t let that stop me.

I have plenty of old comic books, books, toys and other merchandise that I can retro review. Think of it as stroll down Memory Lane.

That’s not to say I don’t want review samples to come in. I welcome any and all review samples that publishers and manufacturers provide.

If you are interested in having your products reviewed all you have to do is contact me via the contact form on my blog’s homepage.

Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me all these years. God willing I still have a few more years to review products under my belt.

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