
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Primal: The Complete Second Season

Everyone’s favorite caveman (Spear) and his trusty sidekick dinosaur (Fang) and the female Mira are back in a whole new season of adventures in Warner Bros./Discovery, Adult Swim. CartoonNetwork Studios’ Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal: The Complete Second Season Blu-ray.

The entire 10-episodes are presented in all their bloody and gory glory along with a cool extra: Inside The Evolution

During the 10 episodes Spear and Fang travel by raft to save Mira and face an old foe that they must stop, they make a daring escape, they are captured and enslaved, the trio encounter a giant warship, man’s origin is discovered and it’s not pretty and a warrior clan enslaves Mira, Fang and Spear.

There's also giant carnivorous birds, an encounter with a giant and Egyptians along with Vikings, a mate for Fang and the birth of two baby dinosaurs.

All that and much more face Spear, Fang and Mira as they travel across the primitive landscape and fight to survive.

Get ready for lots of excitement, amazing fight scenes, a powerful soundtrack and incredible state-of-the-art animation.

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." — Romans 12:10

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Justice League X RWBY Super Heroes & Huntsmen Part One

What happens when the members of The Justice League: Batman, Superman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and Vixen wake up in a strange land?

Not only do they not know where they are-they’ve been transformed into teenagers!

Get ready for some serious Anime action as The Justice League and the heroes of Remnant: Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang team-up and fight in an altered world in order to stop Grimm from destroying everything they know.

The 4K Ultra HD/Blu-ray/Digital Code Combo Justice League X RWBY Super Heroes & Huntsmen Part One from Warner Bros./Discovery introduces a new era of adventure where DC superheroes face a threat like none they have ever encountered before.

The Justice League members have vague memories of what happened and they discover their powers have been altered.

They meet the various members of the RWBY and soon realize that things have changed for them too-but not as severely.

Most of The Justice league members arrive within close proximity to each other except for Batman.

Eventually the entire Justice League reunites, including Batman, who has sprouted bat wings and possesses other bat abilities.

The two teams unit to find away home and to right the wrongs created. They soon discover that Batman’s detective abilities and Green Lantern’s ring may take them home.

Part one finds the heroes united and determined to find their way home.

The animated movie boasts great fight scenes, impressive special visual effects and an intriguing story. 

Extras include two featurettes and two classic cartoons from the DC Vault.

"Very truly I tell you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." — John 5:24

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Diamond Previews, May 2023

"For we live by faith, not by sight." — 2 Corinthians 5:7

Sunday, April 23, 2023

All-Star Superman

One of my all-time favorite Superman tales from DC Comics is the All-Star Superman 12-issue maxi-series written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Frank Quitely.

The maxi-series examines what happens to Superman when his powers overload.

Warner Bros./Discovery presents the DC Animated Movie of All-Star Superman adaptation with slight changes and deletions.

Lex Luthor sabotages a mission to study the sun that requires Superman to save the crew of the sun probe spaceship. In doing so Superman is exposed to massive amounts of the Sun’s radiation causing his body to overload with power.

Unable to process the excess energy his body begins to break down eventually leading to his death.

Over the course of the film Superman makes his final preparations including telling Lois Lane that Clark Kent is Superman.

Other occurrences include finding a new home for the inhabitants of the shrunken bottled Kryptonian city of Kandor, caring for a young Suneater, preparing his Fortress of Solitude’s preservation and saying his goodbyes to friends and family

During his last days Superman fights the Parasite, meets two arrogant inhabitants of Krypton, both Lois and Lex get superpowers, competes against two gods for Lois' affection, defeats a solar foe and more.

All-Star Superman defines who Superman is with his incredible powers and abilities.

It also shows the human side of the Man of Steel: his compassion, love of family, friends and the people of Earth and his unswerving loyalty and bravery.

The 4k UltraHD/Blu-ray/Digital Code Combo also includes several featurettes, commentaries by author Grant Morrison and Bruce Timm and an All-Star Superman Digital Comic. 

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'” — Hebrews 13:5

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Hulk: Worldbreaker, Hero, Icon

Did you know that the Incredible Hulk was originally gray? Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee changed him to green in his second issue because printing technology at the time could not produce a consistent gray from issue to issue.

Before The Incredible Hulk premiered there was another Hulk, also created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. He was an alien that premiered in one of Marvel Comics’ monster comic books.

Another interesting set of facts: Bruce Banner originally turned into The Hulk at night, The Hulk and Banner were separated at one time and The Hulk temporarily possessed Banner’s intellect. He was also married, had a son by an alien woman and ruled a planet.

The Hulk is far more than a rampaging monster. He is complex, ever evolving and conflicted.

Hulk: Worldbreaker, Hero, Icon, written by Rich Johnson and published by Universe Publishing, explores the persona and history of the Jade Giant from his radioactive beginning to his current day status.

What I really enjoyed about the book is how it is broken down into separate phases of The Hulk’s life starting with his origin, his transformations and complexity of his life and powers.

Storylines such as Planet Hulk, World War Hulk and various others incidents show the subtle and not so subtle changes The Hulk has gone through.

The origins of The Red Hulk, She Hulk, The Abomination and other irradiated Hulk off-shoots are also examined.

Readers will discover his various persona like the rampaging, savage and immortal versions along his long standing feud with The Thing and Thor and his membership in such superhero groups as The Avengers and The Defenders.

Lavishly illustrated with full color art taken from the various comic books issues The Hulk has appeared in along with cover illustrations make the book a visual treat.

The deluxe hardbound book is bulging with art and text. It’s ‘incredible’ just like The Hulk.

Each page offers a new glimpse into the life of green behemoth. There’s a lot to take in with the informative and fascinating text, beautiful art and more. It’s extremely well written and researched book made even more enjoyable with the colorful art. 

"And he said: 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.'" — Job 1:21


Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ardeth Bey

The Mummy Lives!

As chilling and frightening as Boris Karloff was as The Mummy in the classic Universal Studios film, he was equally foreboding as Ardeth Bey-The Mummy unwrapped.

Sideshow Collectibles has recreated Ardeth Bey in a magnificent 12-inch figure with accessories.

The figure comes in Sideshow’s standard flip lid box, complete with a vintage The Mummy poster recreation on its front.  

Text and photos extras are on its inside and back cover and the figure and accessories are safety protected by a clear plastic sheet, a tissue sheet and snuggled in their form-fitted plastic cocoon with wire fasteners.

The Ardeth Bey figure stands 12-inchs tall and is fully articulated.  Articulation points are hidden by the clothing.

Movement is unhindered by the figure’s attire.  No unnatural wrinkles or folds occur when posed.  The cloths hang naturally and all stitching and seams are perfectly in scale.

Clothing includes a long sleeve white turtleneck shirt, an open collar rob with no cuffs, a wide tan belt a golden cat buckle and a three-tier cloth hanging from the belt to mid knee.

The figure wears a deep red fez and small strap brown sandals.

Its hands are pre-positioned to hold the various accessories with no slippage.

Ardeth Rey’s face has a slightly yellow/gray cast with heavy wrinkles, deep set eyes, a drawn up mouth, short black hair and sharp nose with a deeply wrinkle brow.

His hands and feet are equally wrinkled and aged.

Included with the figure are a black obsidian dagger, a hieroglyphic decorated yellowed scroll, a black velvet draw string and a special The Mummy base with support wire.

The sculpt of the figure’s face match’s Boris Karloff's features perfectly with subtle coloring and shading and special emphasis around the eyes and features.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." — Genesis 1:1

Monday, April 17, 2023

Skip To The Fun Parts

I made my living off of being creative.

I am/was a cartoonist, illustrator, graphic designer, writer, commercial artist and teacher of art, etc.

Creativity is not for cowards. It’s not easy. It can be both a gift and a curse. Many times I caught myself looking at a blank page and wondering, “Now what?”

It’s not like a magic fairy arrives, clobbers you with her wand and “presto!” magically ideas and inspiration come gushing out. If only.

In author/cartoonist Dana Jeri Maier’s new book: Skip To The Fun Parts, published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, she includes cartoons and complaints about the creative process.

She nails it! The book is hilarious and insightful.

She writes about the dreaded creative block, deadlines, starts and restarts and everything else associated with the creative process.

She offers advice on how to get started, steps necessary to light the creative flame and how to channel your inner child, seek and find inspiration, do research and so much more.

It’s funny, poignant and hits home to anyone who struggles with creativity. 

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will." — Romans 12:2

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Marvel Essentials Human Torch No. 1

Too Hot To Handle!

Marvel Comics' Human Torch never seemed to get the credit he deserved. After all he is one of the founding members of The Fantastic Four-Marvel’s flagship title that spawned the Marvel Age of Comics During The Silver Age.

Besides starring along with Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman and The Thing in the Fantastic Four comic book title the Human Torch had his own series in Strange Tales.

Marvel Essentials Human Torch No. 1 collects his appearance in Strange Tales #101-134 and Annual #2.

The majority of the stories were written by Stan Lee and his brother Larry Lieber and artist Jack Kirby and Don Heck provided the drawings.

A plethora of Marvel Comics heroes and villains guest-starred in the issues. Notables like the Thing and Paste Pot Pete (the Trapster) aided or fought against The Human Torch.

Discover why Marvel Comics drew in so many readers. With great stories and spectacular art Marvel Comics led the pack when it came to graphic storytelling.

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." — Ephesians 6:11

Friday, April 14, 2023

Conan #1

Conan The Barbarian!

For years Marvel Comics held the rights to the comic book adaptation of Conan The Barbarian.

When the rights lapsed Dark Horse Comics stepped in and began a new Conan series.

As much as I loved the Marvel Conan series, Dark Horse did an excellent job adapting Conan to comic books.

Joseph Michael Linsner provided the beautiful cover and Kurt Busiek wrote the story and Carry Nord and Thomas Yeates drew the interior pages.

After so many years being published by Marvel Comics Conan had become a bit stale.

Artist John Buscema art in his later years work looked like he was just phoning it in to get a paycheck.  Much of the flair, excitement and energy his early work showed were missing in his later Conan work.

It was good, but not great.

Several artists filled in but none could match the energy of the earlier Conan issues and after over 20 years Marvel ceased publishing Conan.

Along comes Dark Horse and like with so many of its tie-ins and licensed properties Dark Horse artists and writers kept loyal to the subject matter and added to the canon.

Such was the case with Conan.

The first issues reminded me of Frank Frazetta’s artwork-not as polished mind you-but the ‘feel’ and energy was there.

I won’t go into of specifics but if you are a Conan fan you’re sure to spot some ‘Frazettaisms’ in the first issue and even a few Barry Windsor Smithisms.

The series started out with a bang and kept the quality up but like so many projects after the novelty wears out the art and writing start to lack and Dark Horse stopped producing Conan.

Ironically recently Marvel Comics re-obtained the Conan license and the cycle begins again.

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'” — Hebrews 13:5

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book Merchandise 2011-2022 Volume 3

Star Wars Is Everywhere!

It’s everywhere-from sneakers to peanut butter, household goods, furniture, clothing-in each and every facet of consumers’ lives.

I’m talking about Star Wars merchandise.

Author Geoffrey T. Carlton once again demonstrates his encyclopedic knowledge of all things Star Wars with his Schiffer Publishing’s massive hardbound book: Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book Merchandise 2011-2022 Volume 3.

Mention Star Wars merchandise and most people instantly think of toys-not so!

Star Wars has successfully intertwined itself in every aspect of merchandise.

Everywhere you look in almost any retail store you’re bound to see something that is Star Wars themed.

It’s an epidemic.

The book delves int all things Star Wars with full color photos of merchandise, prices, variants, manufacturers and so much more.

To quote a certain black-garbed Sith bad guy, “Impressive, most impressive!”

You be impressed to with the sheer volume of stuff carrying the Star Wars moniker.

Just toys? Just like the galaxy far, far away, Star Wars merchandise is huge! 

"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." — Proverbs 3:3-4

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Forever Home

The Perfect Home!

My wife and I have lived in our current home since 1985. We’ve raised two kids, had a slew of pets, repainted, re-roofed, replaced utilities, landscaped and generally kept the property up for all these years.

Our home is not a showcase-it’s a living space.  It's comfy, secure and our sanctuary.

Yes, the wallpaper is a bit aged, the floors could use a refinishing and a few doors and windows creak, but it’s our home.

People feel comfortable in it when they come to visit.

Our kids, now grow, notice any little changes when they come to see us. Our grand-kids love running down the hallway, scooting into rooms and exploring closets, grandpa’s man cave and grandma’s kitchen.

The garage has too much stuff in it. Our home has 38 years worth of accumulated stuff fill its closets, attic and rooms-but we love it.

In The Forever Home, by Boyce (nice name) Thompson and published by Schiffer Publishing, advice is given about designing houses to last a lifetime.

My wife and I fully intend to spend our last days here and to pass on the property to our kids-contents and all.

Inside the book are full color photos of the exterior and interior of various types of model homes from all over the globe are shown along with floor plans and text.

The author provides helpful information on the type of homes readers require such as single family, retirees, etc.

Homes range from ranch style, two story, open floor plan, intimate private areas, indoor/outdoor flows and so forth.

Estimates are provided for costs, utilities, building considerations, location, state and country ordinances and other helpful information.

Locations range from river front, to wetlands, mountains, beaches, open plains, forests-every conceivable type of building environment.

Homes are designed to fit individual or family needs both emotionally and financially,

Tips include suggestions on heating and cooling, utilities, materials used, multi-family and rentals and much more.

All of this boils down to one simple fact-homes are meant for people. They need to be comfortable, affordable, environmentally safe and friendly and most of lived in-hopefully for generations to come. 

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." — Psalm 46:1


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

General George A. Custer

Little Big Horn Massacre!

Fame comes about from different acts or events.  For some it’s a brave act.  For others a discovery, while others are famous for fame’s sake.

Still fame can be generated from both good and bad deeds.  Fame from failure is the most degrading.

General George A. Custer earned his famous stature from an act of bad judgment.  His defeat at Little Big Horn is legendary.

However, before Custer transferred his command to the West he served the Union Army during the Civil War.

Young and ambitious he showed an uncanny talent for taking charge, performing incredible strategic strikes and attacks and greatly increased the Union’s victories.

Many of his raids were rewarded with wagon loads of enemy supplies, artillery and the like.

Several years ago Sideshow Collectibles created a fully articulated collectible figure of George A. Custer dressed in his Union finest as part of its American Civil War Brotherhood Of Arms Legendary Icons 12” Collection.

The figure comes in Sideshow’s standard flip lid box with an archival photo of Custer on its cover against a Union flag.

Additional archival photos of the enclosed figure are on the sides.

A bio of Custer accompanies the two color photos of the Custer figure on the back along with bio information.

A short history of Custer’s several campaigns and career on the inside flap.

The figure and accessories are displayed behind a clear plastic panel and are held in place by a clear plastic cocoon and plastic strap.

A circular base and a wire stand are included for posing the figure.

A piece of tissue paper covers the clear panel to prevent scrubbing.

The fully articulated figure comes with the following accessories and weapons:
  • 1860Lightcalvary Saber and Scabbard
  • ‘51 Navy Colt Pistol
  • Saber gauntlets - 1 set of hands
  • 1 Set Hands - No Gloves
  • Major General’s Wide-brimmed Hat
  • Crevat Corp. Pin
  • Binoculars
  • Binocular case
  • Tall Calvary Boots and Spurs
  • Custom Officer’s Frock Coat with Multiple Gold Buttons
  • Black Belt with Silver and Gold buckle
  • Red Kerchief with Cross/Star
  • Officer Trousers
  • Sailor Shirt with Stars
  • Pistol Holder
  • Saber Belt
  • Cap Box

The figure looks striking in its military regalia.  Posing is easy and realistic due to the many types of articulation points in the figure: hinge, ball and socket, swivel and pivot.

Articulation is tight allowing the figure to stay stationary when posed with no drooping or slouching.

Clothing fits nicely on the figure and retains its shape with no unnatural wrinkles and folds when posed. Stitching, folds and fasteners are in scale and very secure.

The figure's face looks like Custer’s with its blond hair and goatee, bright blue eyes, predominate nose and strong chin.  Coloration for the skin tone is varied emulating real skin.  Tiny reflective points show in the eyes.

The hands are pre-positioned and can hold the various accessories and weapons without slippage.

Details on the pistol, sword, binoculars are very realistic, highly detailed and historically accurate.

The hat, cloths and boots are easily removed from the figure and are just as easy to put back on.

It’s a remarkable recreation of a famous historical figure right down to its clothing and accessories.

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." — Galatians 6:9

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book Toys 1977-2022 2nd Edition

Star Wars Toys!

You’d be hard pressed to find any toy collector that is more dedicated, determined, obsessed and excited as a Star Wars toy collector.

Ever since the first 3 1/2” figures came out a few months after the Star Wars: A New Hope film premiered Star Wars toy collectors have clamored, rushed and filled their shopping carts with Star Wars toys.

I have to hand it to author Geoffrey T. Carlton. How he was able to compile so many toys from various companies by date, variants and prices is impressive.

The Schiffer Publishing's Star Wars Super Collector’s Wish Book Toys 1977-2022 2nd Edition contains full color photos of every (and I mean every) Star Wars toy created during that time span.

The hardbound book is a good one inch thick and is by far the most comprehensive guide to Star Wars toys ever compiled.

The sheer amount of time, effort and knowledge to compile such a book boggles my mind.

Readers can spend literally hours looking over its pages. I did. There are toys listed and shown that I’ve never seen before. Amazing!

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." — Philippians 4:8

Sunday, April 2, 2023

First Appearance Martian Manhunter and The Atom

Classic DC Comics Characters!

Did you know that it has been a point of contention amongst comic book fans that The Martian Manhunter was really the first Silver Age DC superhero and not The Flash?

It’s true.  J’onn J’onzz (aka: The Martian Manhunter) actually appeared in DC Comics before the new Silver Age Flash-Barry Allen.

The Atom during the Golden Age of DC Comics was actually a pint-sized tough guy who trained himself to be super strong and agile and took on crime.

During the Silver Age Ray Palmer (The Atom) was a scientist who could shrink to any size using the power of a white dwarf star.  The third Atom is Ryan Choi who has mastered mass and weight control.

Years ago when I was just a child I remember going to the Goodwill with my mother and looking through the comic books.  They were 2 for 5 cents.  I picked up my usual $1 worth and just before I was ready to go the counter to spend my cash I noticed a DC Comic Book.

It was Detective Comics #225 and it held a back-up story about a scientist who accidentally transports the last survivor of Mars to Earth.  The Martian was J’onn J’onzz The Martian Manhunter.

Trapped on Earth J’onn used his shape shifting ability to become a human and soon took up the guise of a human detective.

The DC Direct First Appearance label is a little deceiving.

While the figures contained in each square bound, free-standing/hanging box with a clear plastic viewing panel do feature said characters they are dressed in their contemporary garb.

The DC Direct Martian Manhunter figure is dressed in a predominately blue outfit with light blue cape and large black circular shapes around the stiff upswept collar.

The cape is trimmed in red and red accents are on the figure’s gloves, legs, chest and waist that really make the figure stand out.

The figure also wears full sleeve gloves and blue knee boots.  It is fully articulated and nicely sculpted and painted with no rough edges, slopover of colors or stiff articulation.

The same holds true for The Atom figure.

The Series 4 Martian Manhunter figure has a humanoid face albeit it is green and has red eyes and an elongated cranium.

I’m sorry but Ray Palmer will always be my favorite Atom.  Not to take anything away from those who followed in his footsteps but Ray is the man and always be in my mind.

The Atom figure is packaged in the same sort of box as The Martian Manhunter.  Like the Manhunter it comes with a circular base.

The figure’s outfit consists of a red and blue full body suit with a full headpiece with eye openings and his lower face and eyes showing.

An atom symbol is on the headpiece forehead and well as on the gold belt he wears.  

The figure’s outfit is a modification of original Atom’s outfit.

The figure stands with both hands clenched, legs slightly apart and erect.  Musculature is well defined as are the facial features.

On the back of both figures’ boxes is a complete gallery of the characters available in the 4th Series that also includes Blue Beetle in regular and stealth mode, Aquaman and Warlord.


"Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'" — John 8:58

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Secret Places


As a kid I loved to explore. Many times I would start out walking from my home and walk miles (sometimes alone, other times with a friend) the back roads in the country.

I’d (we’d) explore dark forests, small creeks, ponds, abandoned buildings and often come home just before sunset. We always took along a few snacks and something to drink. Surprisingly we never got lost.

Our parents never worried about us. It was during the 1950s and 1960s and as compared to today’s society it was safe. Imagine a kid doing that today!

As an adult I still like to walk paths less trod and ride my bike down back alleys, through small neighborhoods and to out of the way locations. It’s fun wondering what is around the next bend in the road.

I always wanted to be an explorer-kind of a latter day Indiana Jones. But, life got in the way so I have to content myself with bike rides, walks and the occasional drive in the country exploring the back roads.

Schiffer Publishing has released a brand new hard bound book: Secret Places, edited by Jochen Mussig, the explores 100 undiscovered travel destinations around the world.

Every type of geography is explored from deep and dark jungles, high mountain tops, hidden rivers, scorching deserts, isolated communities, harsh arctic landscapes and so much more.

The book is filled with color photos of the hidden locations along with complete descriptions of each.

Advice is provided to readers/explorers should they decide to set out to visit each location.

Weather conditions, transportation, customs, maps, provisions, clothing, necessary cautions information and so forth are provided.

Discover the many types of flora and fauna prevalent in each area along with the native population (if any) and what to expect with each excursion.

If you’re an explorer like me at heart Secret Places is sure to spark your imagination and motivate you to explore even more.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." — Isaiah 40:31