I am no prophet, muse, expert, philosopher or zealot. I’m just a guy, writing down his thoughts and attempting to share what we all feel, know and experience.
I’ll attempt to unravel a few questions we all ask and delve into what exactly qualifies us as human beings.
True, I have my own beliefs about God (I’m a Christian), but I have no intention of shoving my beliefs down anyone’s throat. So I’ll make it brief.
Here is what I believe in a nutshell: Man is a God created being. We started as perfect beings, messed things up and because God gave us a free will we reaped the results of making a bad
God is love so he made a way of escape and redemption for us through his son Jesus Christ.
Jesus the Messiah came to earth, sacrificed his life for humanity and took the collected sin of all mankind, past, present and future, on his back. He died, rose again and thus established
a way we all can go to Heaven.
It’s really simple. We have to admit we’re a sinner, ask for forgiveness and for God to save us. He keeps his promise. Salvation is not through our own power or good works
but through the grace of God. It takes faith and it is not ‘easy believeism’ as so many call it.
I keep God’s commandmanets not becasue I have to, but becasue I want to. It pleases God-could I do anything less but to thank him for saving me?
OK, preaching time is over-on to the meat of this book.
Have you ever taken the time to find a quiet corner of a room, comfortably set in a chair, gather yourself and just think about things?
I’m not talking about day-to-day activates like family, work, what to eat, etc. I’m talking about deep thoughts, pondering the possibilities of existence and what life is and
why you’re here, among other things.
Take the time to look past yourself, to explore new areas you’ve never speculated before. Time, eternity, creation, death, life after death, final destination, your abilities-tapped
and untapped, how you can shape your life and benefit the lives of others-the door to everything is wide open.
It’s fun to speculate, dream and be awestruck by the possibilities. Nothing is impossible for God! I truly believe as humanity we have barely began to realize our full potential-God
Have you ever wondered about creation? People have all sorts of theories.
I believe God created man. Evolution is pure speculation.
Think about it. How is it possible that life springs from something that is not alive?
Just look at the complexity of the human body. How is it possible for all the cells in the body to coordinate with each other in all the systems in the body? By chance? Hardly. The body
is designed as are all the living things on the planet.
Take the DNA-it’s a code-very much like a computer program. What are the odds that by pure trial and error such a complex structure could exist-let alone operate? Again how can life
spring from unlife?
I’m not trying to persuade anyone. Everyone has their own opinion and my point of view or others will not change. Why argue? I will say that no matter how you mix chemicals together,
shoot it with electricity or other ‘scientific’ paraphernalia, life will not be created. You may get a few molecular bonds and groupings, but life? It’s never going to happen.
Do you realize that human beings are essentially made from dirt, sunlight and water? Our bodies are nothing more than biological machines that transport our consciousness about.
You’ve heard of mind over matter. We are perfect examples of it. How is it possible that our minds can trigger electrical responses that course out to our limbs and organs causing
them to move and function? Some are voluntarily, and some automatically. Imagine having to tell yourself to breath, pump blood, digest food, saturate your body with oxygen or a thousand other functions we simply take for
Our brains are nothing more than containers for our spirits/souls.
When we die our consciousness lives on. What happens to solids when they break down? That’s right, energy remains and our consciousness is energy-spiritual-but energy.
Life is complex-far too complex to have been formed by evolution.
Think about that for a moment. In order for evolution to exist every living thing all over the entire world would have to evolve at the same time. It could not start with one organism.
For a fish to walk on land is impossible. Sustenance, bodily functions, symbiosis, everything would have to be already in place for an entire ecosystem to exist.
For one thing the fish has no idea what land is. How would fish know to sprout legs and breath air? It wouldn’t. We give nature too much credit for intelligence right down to the
cell level. Does a cell have a brain-of course not.
What would be the point for the fish to evolve to walk on land? Water is its environment. It’s sustenance exists in the water. Why would it need to move to land? It would have
no idea what to do to survive, let alone eat. How would it reproduce? There would be no other landfish to reproduce with. The whole idea is absurd!
Why is so hard to believe that the creation of the universe needs a creator? Why do science and God need to be separate? After all, God created everything. Doesn’t it makes sense
that he is the chief scientist?
Did it never occur to anyone that God created everything to appear aged? He didn’t create Adam and Eve as babies-but as full-grown adults.
Why Are you Here?
Everyone in some time during their life asks that question.
Here’s what I think-it’s not about you.
I used to think that my sole purpose in life was to be happy, accomplish my goals and satisfy my wants and needs.
Now I know that I am here to contribute to society, to uplift others, to serve God and to put other people’s needs before my own. Think about it. If everybody had those goals in life
everyone’s needs and many of their wants would be satisfied.
“But, what about my wants and needs?’ you might ask.
I’ve discovered if I put my selfishness aside and aim to help, uplift and encourage other pepole that my wants and needs are always met. It’s a win, win.
Let’s face it. We’re only on this earth for a short time. We can spend our time accumulating stuff, chasing fame, fortune, accomplishments and the like. But, in the end it all
means nothing. We can’take it with us.
My old pastor used to say, “I’ve never seen a hearse hauling a U-Haul trailer.”
Be honest. If you have food to eat, cloths to wear, a place to stay, your health, friends, family and the basics of life, what more do you need?
As I grow older I find I need less and less clutter in my life and that includes stuff, activities, caustic people and ‘me’ time.
Having the most toys means nothing. Everything eventually turns to rust or dust.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s wise and prudent to plan your finances, set goals and provide for your family. But, isn’t family your first priority? Isn’t a friendship
worth more than its weight in gold?
We all experience up and downs in our lives. You have to go into the valley to appreciate the mountaintop experiences. No one likes suffering, loosing a loved one, sickness or other bad
experience or catastrophe. After all, we are human.
Considering how short life is, why not make the best of it?
I am blessed. God has given me so much. I can’t possibly thank him enough. It took a long time for God to knock some sense into my brain. It’s not been easy and I’d
be lying if I said I went along with God’s plans all the time. I’m a work in progress.
As humans we are a complex, multi-layered species.
We have a physical body that needs care and attention, a mind that must be kept active, a spirit that needs guidance and a soul that is eternal.
I’d like to talk about our thoughts specifically.
As I mentioned earlier we all have thoughts-most of them about routine day-to-day stuff. We get caught up on life’s ups and downs, events, issues and the like. We spend an inordinate
amount of time thinking about our body, pampering it, spoiling it, catering to its wants and needs and just surviving.
But what about our thoughts?
Do you think deeply and ponder? Do you attempt to look past everyday thoughts and expand your understanding of all that is around you? The things seen and unseen?
Over the past few years I’ve attempted to learn new things, read about subjects that in the past I skittered over and to look further into my mind, my motivations, capabilities, limitations
and so forth. It’s really quite fascinating.
I allow my mind to wander. To look at other’s opinions with a fresh mind. To reach out to understand, learn and grow.
Spend time with yourself. Sit. Think. Use your time to better yourself and in the process you’ll not only benefit from your efforts but pass those benefits onto others.
How do you break out of your mundane, daily train of thought?
Dare to try new things, explore, read, try to solve problems, look outside the box, try to solve problems from a different direction.
It can be a bit scary and intimidating. But, how else can you see things from a different point of view unless you try? Success comes one step at a time. Take your time, allow your mind
to wander, see things as they are, speculate, don’t play it safe by falling back on the way things have always been done. Do they work? Can they work better?
Dig in, step up, take a chance and reap the rewards.
If you’re a soft spoken person-speak up. If you tend to be in-your-face, step back and let someone else talk. Listen, speak sparingly. See people for who they are. Appreciate those
around you. See what God sees-all people are precious to him. Take in all creation and enjoy each moment-time heeds to no one.
Dare to ask questions. Is there life on other planets? Is time travel possible? Does magic exist? Does God exist? I’m just offering a few examples. Asking questions and pondering
challenges your mind.
Do you know the difference between dreams and goals?
Dreams tend to be the pinnacle to what we can believe we can do, accomplish and wish. Sort of the ultimate wish fulfillment.
Goals are things that we want to accomplish set to a time table and require work, perseverance and patience.
For example, I could dream to be a great artist. But in order to accomplish my dream I must set a goal to learn the basics of art, put in the time at a drawing board or easel and slowly
build up my ability and techniques.
So often our dreams get waylaid or dashed. That’s life. Sometimes our goals are delayed, put on hold or abandoned due to circumstances.
Life is a great distractor. Personal problems, work struggles, family tragedies, changing locations, illness-there a lot of unexpected events that can disrupt or curtail goals.
Pain and pleasure are feelings we all experience. Both can be beneficial.
Pleasure comes from doing or accomplishing things we desire-with certain restraints and moral stopgaps.
Pain can can cause us to stop and reflect, correct our behavior, teach us how to avoid toxic and detrimental people, places, practices and things.
Have you ever had the urge to travel? To see the world and all of its wonder? Make plans to do so. Experience life as other people do all over the world. Try new foods, attend events
and social gatherings, wander, soak in the people and places.
Domestically connect with a distant relative or friend. Climb a mountain, swim in the ocean, travel trails, visit a city and take a train, call an Uber, hike-your native country offers
so much.
Like a geographical journey your life can be a journey with plenty of ups and downs, surprises around each corner, exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating, fun, dangerous, exciting, rewarding
and filled with wonder.
Life is full of possibilities. It offers endless moments of learning, sharing and infinite variety. A life unfettered by the past, hopeful of the future and content for the present is
a full life that overcomes any obstacle placed before it no matter how debilitating or distracting.
What are your talents? Learn to identify them, appreciate them, apply them, share them and direct them to achieve great things.
Every painting starts with a single brushstroke. Each song begins with one note. Every journey embarks with a first step.
Achievement is not measured by fame, fortune and sacrifice. It is about finishing the course, helping others, living life to its fullest and most importantly thanking our creator for the
years we have been granted, the people we love and life itself.
Here’s a piece of advice: love yourself. No, I;\’m not talking about vanity or thinking of yourself more than you should.
What I am saying is that you need to like yourself-God does. You’re just the way God wants you to be. There are no mistakes with God. Sure we may need to loose a little weight, perhaps
we could use more exercise but to God’s eyes we’re beautiful.
Who has the right to say to you you’re not attractive enough, smart enough or good enough? No one!
I figure it this way. I might as well like myself because I’m stuck with me the rest of my life.
Another thing. Not everyone is going to like you. There are people out there that will simply dislike you because of how you look, your voice, your behavior or because you might remind
them of someone who they had a bad experience with.
Face it, there are people who are mad about everything. They complain, fuss and are never satisfied. Avoid them. They’re caustic and the last thing you need is negativity in your
Everyone experiences time and its results. We grow older and eventually pass away. We have a set limit to our days and we have no control over when, where and how we die. And that’s
OK-everyone experiences life and death.
But, what if I told you that life is eternal? Whether you believe in Heaven and Hell, life after our physical death goes on. It never ends. Where will you spend eternity is completely
up to you. You choose.
What happens after death? What now?
Will we exist as an eternal spirit or ghost or occupy a new body? Will our new body be restricted by time, space, physical and mental limits? Will there be no limits as to what we can
Interesting questions? I wish I had all the answers.
Life is about change, adaptation, interaction, conflict, controversy and perseverance.
Will your life be productive or destructive? Will you reach new heights or sink to new lows with no hope of climbing back out?
We’re all given free will. What we do with that free will is up to us. No one can substitute for another, live another person’s life or experience their highs and lows. We
can sympathize, empathize and help.
Inevitably we will all answer for our own life. Our final destination is determined by our choices. There will be no second chances.
It is my hope that you choose the path I have chosen. If so I can promise an excellent eternity. If not, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.