Tuesday, October 15, 2024


The poltergeist to beat all poltergeists. Director and writer Tim Burton, fresh off his success with Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure, tackled the spirit world.

He contracted Michael Keaton to play the title character Beetlejuice (in the film by the same name) the maniacal, madman and manipulative poltergeist.

Alex Baldwin and Geena Davis starred as a young married couple who died and haunted their old home.

Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice was amazing.  His frenetic, frantic, feisty and fantastic take on the ghostly wise guy was spot on.

Things get out of hand when a new family moved in and tried to redecorate the deceased couple’s house.  The whacked out ‘artiste’ mom, the wimpy dad, the over the top decorator and the Goth daughter were all in for a surprise.

Amazingly the daughter could see the ghostly couple and was not afraid of them.  In fact, she was sympathetic to their plight and agreed to help them run out her family.

After all else failed the couple and the girl had no choice but to hire Beetlejuice to help them.  The only problem was, there was a catch-he wanted to run the show and marry the young Goth girl.

Then things got real interesting.

What a fun movie!  I love the wackiness of the premise, the bizarre sets, the characters, the ingenious creatures and especially Beetlejuice as portrayed by actor Michael Keaton.

Beetlejuice is available on DVD from Warner Bros./Discovery.  The 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition also has a lot of fun extras.

Psalms 55:22 - Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Folk Tales From Russia

Most Americans when they think or hear of Russia they immediately associate it and its people with the Kremlin, the KGB and Communism.

While Russia was part of the Soviet Union is was the people in charge and the military that presented the threat to Democracy and freedom during the Cold War era not the common folk.

Most of the populace of Russia only want to live their lives in peace and like all people provide for their families.

Russia has so much to offer with its heritage of folk tales of magic, heroes, lovers, conquests and perilous journeys and adventures.

So much of Russia’s culture centers around the mystical and magical with creatures of snow, long lost and almost forgotten mystical lands, proud and ferocious beasts and brave folk who faced danger, conquered adversaries and endured despite all obstacles.

Vol. 1 Folk Tale World Series Folk Tales From Russia by author E.T. Weaver and published by West Agora Int., presents timeless stories of magic, courage and love from Russian folklore.

Thrill to tales passed down through the generations and that dare you to dream, believe the impossible, seek wisdom, inspire and brighten your spirit.

They are more than tales, the stories present the heart and soul of the Russian people, their heritage, history and legends.

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Captain Planet And The Planeteers

The environment, global climate change, depletion of natural resources, pollution and saving the planet are in the news almost everyday.

Separate camps of global climate change advocates and naysayers bump heads constantly.

Advocates of climate change want changes, big changes, on how we generate energy, renew natural resources and curtailing the effects mankind’s environment negligence has had on the environment.

But, did you know that none of this is new? Maybe not on the scale we see it nowadays, but-environmental concerns have dated back for decades.

Back in 1990 a new kids’ animated TV show emphasized responsible environmental practices and confronted what many believed were the main culprits of such pollution and wasters and spoilers of natural resources.

The show: Captain Planet And The Planeteers, was a huge hit with kids in the 1990s and is still fondly remembered by those same kids who are now adults.

Warner Bros./Discovery has compiled all 113 episodes aired of Captain Planet And The Planeteers and The New Adventures Of Captain Planet in a new DVD collection.

An impressive cast of actors provided their voice talents to each series. Martin Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg, Meg Ryan, Levar Burton and many others contributed their distinctive voices to the series.

Five teenagers from all over the globe combine the powers of their individual rings of fire, earth, wind, water and heart to create the environmental

 hero Captain Planet-the green hair superhero who combats the forces of evil that threaten our very planet.

The Captain Planet And The Planeteers The Complete Franchise DVD Collection comes in snap-lid container inside a colorful slipcase.

Save the planet, purchase the Captain Planet DVD Collection today!

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors

It’s time to reflect-literally.

It's time to look back at the legacy of YGO.

Join other Shonen Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game players to celebrate YGO’s 25th Anniversary courtesy of Konami.

This special 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors contains lots of goodies that include special Cards from years gone past.

Just look at what you get:

  • 3 Mega-Packs
  • A Quarter Century Secret Rare in each of the three Packs
  • Sought-after Cards from a dozen recent Booster Sets, including: 
    • Power of the Elements
    • Photon Hypernova
    • Cyberstorm Access
    • Duelist Nexus
    • Age of Overlord
    • Maze of Memories
    • Amazing Defenders
    • Wild Survivors
    • And more!
  • Brand-new art versions of some of Dueling’s most famous Cards
  • 400 Cards in the Set
  • 50 Quarter Century Secret Rare Cards
  • 34 more Cards to the Quarter Century Secret Rare pool with three in every Tin.

Total per Tin:

  • 3 Quarter Century Secret Rares
  • 3 Prismatic Secret Rares
  • 9 Ultra Rares
  • 24 Commons

Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The West Wing The Complete Series

In this time of Presidential election turmoil and nasty politics it seems only appropriate Warner Bros./Discovery has released the Blu-ray collection of The West Wing The Complete series.

All 156 episodes come on 28 discs along with a plethora of special features such as commentaries, behind-the-scenes featurettes, unaired scenes, gag reels and much, much more.

Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the 26 Emmy Award winning series that is considered one of the best dramatic TV series ever aired.

Intelligent writing, an incredible cast including Martin Sheen, Rob Lowe, Alan Alda and other stellar actors and actresses, the series delved into the politics, practices, intrigue, wheeling and dealing and corruption that permeate The White House and Presidency as well as politics in general.

The show covered two Presidential terms and highlighted the struggles of the President, his family, staff, political rivals and world events.

Noted for its realism, hard-hitting political drama and world-altering events The West Wing aired on NBC from 1999 to 2006.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Folk Tales From Ireland

Ahhh, Ireland. Birthplace of my ancestors! How I long to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to visit the green isle with its beautiful landscape, fascinating history and above all the Irish people.

Few lands are steeped in magic, myth and lore more than Ireland.

Lost kingdoms, heroics of royalty and common folks, witchcraft mystical beings and mysterious and haunted places permeate the legends of Ireland.

Author E.T. Weaver and West Agora Int. present Vol. 1 Folk Tale World Series Folk Tales From Ireland-a fascinating book all about the legends, the ancient people and the history of the lush green island of Ireland.

Explore the deep dark forests, traverse the highlands with their nooks and grannies that hide the little folk, magical beings and dangerous and foreboding creatures best left to their dark and dank dwellings an holes.

Come read of the timeless legends of myth, magic and heroic tales from Irish folklore and mythology.

1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Avengers #27

It’s the 100 Page Monster Avengers #27 issue by writer Kurt Busiek and artist George Perez!

The Avengers series produced by the two men occurred when Marvel Comics was just starting to get its head above water after the comic book speculator fiasco.

Marvel Comics suffered a bankruptcy and for a while it looked as if the company would go out of business.  Fortunately it was able to keep its head just barely above water.

In Avengers #27 a number of stories are presented: two new, two reprints,

In the main story writer Kurt Busiek and artist George Perez present a very different type of Avengers tale.

In the story the government intervenes as to who should be an Avenger in the current team.  Equal opportunity, quotas, diversity and politics all play a part in what is mostly a non-action story. 

Still Busiek and Perez pull it off while still making it interesting and exciting.  It just shows what true professionals can do with any story when given an opportunity.

Another story centers on a small boy who idolizes The Avengers and must make the choice to turn his brother in for crimes committed.

Pencillers George Perez and Jack Kirbys hare the credits for a tale about the formation of The Avengers and in the final tale The Avengers face off against a near omnipotent glowing yellow man.  All of this for a mere $2.99!

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Robin Williams as Peter Pan!? 
Back in the early 1990s producer and director Steven Spielberg decided to direct a new film about Peter Pan called Hook for Sony Pictures.  

Who better to play Peter Pan as a middle age man than Robin Williams?

Dustin Hoffman also stars as Captain Hook and Bob Hoskins as his head henchman Mr. Smee and Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell. 

The story follows Peter as he is grown up and has children of his own.

When he and his wife come home for a night out they discover ripped and torn walls and a message from Captain Hook for a final confrontation with Peter.  Confused Peter discovers that Grandma Wendy (who lives with them) was the original Wendy and that Peter married her granddaughter. 

She tries to get Peter to remember who he is. Desperate to find his kids Peter reluctantly follows Tinker Bell, who has come to take him back to Never, Never Land.

Once there he discover that his kids are held captive by Captain Hook.  Peter’s son takes a liking to Hook and almost forgets his father.  Pan’s daughter never loses her faith in her father.

When Peter arrives he does not recognize any of The Lost Boys .  Slowly as time passes and the danger to his kids intensifies Peter remembers and once more dons his characteristic Peter Pan outfit, rediscovers that he can fly, rallies The Lost Boys and confronts Hook.

Both Williams and Hoffman turn in fabulous performances with Maggie Smith, Bob Hoskins and Julia Roberts not far behind.

The movie didn’t do too well at the box office and that’s a shame because it was good family entertainment.

The sets were incredible, as were the special effects.

At the end of the film with Hook defeated and Peter Pan back home with his family there is a wonderful touching scene of the one Lost Boy who came to with the real world with Peter the first time.  

Now an old man, the Lost Boy discovers something he had lost and found again and with a sprinkle of magic fairy dust off he goes to Never, Never Land.

As the old man leaves the old Wendy looks at Peter and says that his adventures are over.

Peter holds his family and says, “Oh, no. To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure.”

Hook is a feel good movie about family, friendship and love.

Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Grandopolis The Eternal Golden City

Protect and Play!

Ask any Shonen Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game player and they are sure to tell you that protecting their Cards from damage and dirt is top priority.

That’s why Konami has created its Grandopolis The Eternal Golden City 2013 World Championship Commemorative Card Sleeves.

One hundred Sleeves come in a sealed plastic bag and are guaranteed to keep your YGO Cards safe, dirt-free and perfect!

Celebrate YGO’s 25th Anniversary by also purchasing Konami’s Grandopolis The Eternal Golden City Commemorative Game Mat that measures 24 inches by 14 inches.

A beautiful Grandopolis The Eternal Golden City painting adorns its game playing surface and its soft, cushioned underneath makes game play easy on the hands and Cards.

Sleeves and a Game Mat-the perfect combination for making YGO Game play loads of fun.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 - Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Diamond Previews, October 2024

 October will be a great month for collectors!

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Friday, September 27, 2024

The War Of The Worlds

Martians invade the earth!  

Released in the 1953 The War Of The Worlds film starring Gene Barry, adapted the H.G. Well novel to a movie set in then modern times.

I still remember the sight of the floating Martian war machines and the chilling visage of an actual Martian.  Scary stuff for a kid.

It’s the early 1950s.  One evening a large light flashes across the horizon.  When it lands all he power in a nearby small town ceases.

A young scientist is vesting the town and goes to investigate.  A horrified crowd gathers the ground shakes around the mysterious metal object that fell from the sky.  A circular hatch opens and a large mechanical eye emerges and starts shooting deadly rays.

So begins the War Of The Worlds as the world is besieged by space faring objects that crash into the earth-all concealing massive flying killing machines (it was too expensive and difficult to make them three-legged walkers at the time) from Mars.

The world collapses into chaos and all seems lost.  Suddenly the mighty killing machines start falling all around the world.

The Martians are dying, succumbing to the various germs and viruses in earth’s atmosphere that human beings have an immunity to-but not the Martians.

For the time War Of The Worlds from Paramount Pictures a visual blockbuster, with incredible special effects, amazing sets and physical effects and an all0-star cast.

Oh sure, the clothing, cars, towns and everything else is dated (it was the early 1950s) but here is something still thrilling about the film despite its age.

It’s a timeless tale brought to the Silver Screen a number of times, broadcast on radio, seen on TV and adapted to comic books, spawning toys and other merchandise.

Psalms 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Rick And Morty The Complete Seasons 1-7

What's going on with Rick and Morty?

I’ve watched every season of Warner Bros./Discovery/Adult Swim’s animated series Rick and Morty since its beginning.

Let’s just say, it’s not for kids. It's definitely has adult only content including foul language, sexual innuendo and uber-violent at times.

And yet, there is something compelling about the tale of a grandfather and his grandson traipsing across time and space on all sorts of wacky and way-out adventure.

They even often bring their family into the chaos and somehow they manage to survive. Talk about a dysfunctional family!

Just when you think things cannot get any stranger along comes a new season that is even more bizarre, bone-jarring and shocking than the first six.

In the new Rick And Morty The Complete Seasons 1-7 DVD Collection (that includes a poster) viewers gets to see seven full seasons, uncensored content and lots of extras: commentaries, animatics, deleted scenes, featurettes, episode sneak peeks, the introduction of new characters and much more.

All 71 episodes are included along with the special features.

So get ready to be thrilled, chilled, shocked, startled, amazed, dazed and crazed courtesy of Rick And Morty The Complete Seasons 1-7 DVD collection.

Psalms 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Dark Crystal Jen

Jim Hendrick’s epic puppet movie The Dark Crystal was a groundbreaking film.

The Sideshow Collectibles' Jen figure comes packaged in a beautiful flip lid box with The Dark Crystal movie poster decorating the front and similarly themed borders and decorations on both the inside and outside of the box.

Inside the flip lid is a cast listing from the movie while on the main body of the box a clear plastic panel allows collectors to view the 12-inch, fully articulated Jen figure.

The figure, along with its accessories and held in place by a clear plastic form fitted cocoon and plastic straps.

Accessories include a large purple translucent crystal, a twin stalk wooden flute, and a circular base with a support wire.

The figure's face looks identical to the film version of the elf with pointed ears, long shaggy black hair cut with straight bangs, large brown eyes, a long nose/snout and large lips.  

Clothing includes a multi-layered tunic with fluted edges, swirling embroidered decor on its front, several sewn in straps, padded shoulder and three-sided bone and cloth emblem just below the Nehru type collar.

Long loose stands of beige fabric wrapped over the shoulder s and arms-much like a cape, heavy weaved knitted slightly gray fitted tights and leather and cloth shows with no toes cover Jen’s feet.

Long brown strings are attached to his wrists for securing his flute or other items.  He wears a dark brown leather belt with an ornate buckle, side silver rivets and a single brown pouch.

Coloration of the figure is nicely applied, its pre-positioned hands hold the accessories with no slippage and the clothing with its gossamer and soft look and feel is real fabric.

Stitching and decorations are perfection and very well done as are the shoes, belt and various accents on the costume.

The figure easily poses with no binding or unnatural creases or folds in the clothing.

Romans 11:6 - And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Disco Music, Movies And Mania Under The Mirror Ball

Where and how did Disco start?

Unofficially Disco started with the general public when the movie Saturday Night Fever premiered starring actor John Travolta with a soundtrack by the Bee Gees and other singers and musicians.

It actually started much earlier in 1970 with the gay community and a certain notorious Studio.

I was attending The University Of Miami during 1975 to 1977: the height of the Disco craze.

It seemed like everyone was grooving to the music of the Bee Gees, Casey And The Sunshine Band, Madonna, Gloria Estefan, (whom I went to school with) and other hot Latin influenced acts.

Miami, Florida was the mecca of Disco. I remember it was a wild time, with lots of music, dance, Disco movies and on the darker side drugs, sex and self-indulgence.

Rizzoli/Universe presents the history and phenomenon of disco with its new book by author Frank DeCaro: Disco Music, Movies And Mania Under The Mirror Ball.

This gorgeous, oversize, hard-bound book with its prismatic cover featuring a scantily clad Disco Queen is bursting its cover with tons of photos and text including first-hand accounts and experiences.

Witness how Disco changed and influenced fashion, invaded TV shows, had sell-out crowds at movies and clubs, created timeless music classics and shook up the entire world of pop culture with its styles, loud music with a heavy beat and started a “Disco Inferno!”

It’s hard to believe it all happened almost 50 years ago! Relive the magic, mania, move-to-the-groove and music that lit up the dance-room floor, made mirror balls a must-have and introduced fashion conscious fans to platform shoes, tight pants, iridescent shirts, hairy chests, lots of bling and cloths so skimpy that they would make you blush.

It’s Disco baby and its time move and groove!

Included are descriptions of top songs by year, special events and other descriptions on how Disco changed the world.

Proverbs 29:25 - The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

What was Disney's first science fiction movie?

The movie 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea was Walt Disney’s first foray into the world of live cinema science

With the film Disney put his whole studio in jeopardy.  At that time Disneyland was in its infancy, Disney and films were popular but the prospect of spending an enormous amount of money on a live action film seems foolhardy.

Still Walt Disney had faith in his creative staff.  Placing his reputation on the line Disney proceeded with the film.

The entire film had to be produced from scratch including the sets, wardrobe, practical and special effects and the selection of the cast.

It’s the 19th Century; someone or something is sinking warships and vanishing without a trace.

An investigative military team, along with some civilians search for the assailant.

When their ship is attacked and sunk a few passengers manage to survive only to come across a strange metal ship.

The ship is the Nautilus, a submarine, is commanded by Captain Nemo the fanatical anti-war advocate who uses his submarine to sink warships.

The unwilling passengers soon find themselves on a strange journey that leads them on an expedition beneath the waves, an encounter with a giant squid and fleeing a fast approaching armada to stop the Nautilus.

James Mason, Kirk Douglas, Peter Lorre are just a few of the stellar cast to star in this monumental and big budget film from Disney.

A Special Edition 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea DVD collection was released by Disney.

Besides the film the DVD collection also includes lots of featurettes about the making of the film, how it was promoted, the music, commentaries and so much more.

Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.