Ask any veteran or wannabe comic book artist and almost without exception when asked, “What is the most difficult thing to draw?” and they’ll answer—women. Trust me, I know, I have difficulty myself.
There’s something about the way that women are put together: their curves, torso area and faces that makes drawing women difficult, but not impossible. The biggest mistake young artists make when drawing women is they tend to make them look too muscular and use too many line-especially in their faces. The whole secret to drawing women is economy of lines and simplicity of form-any drawing of a woman should emphasize the soft, subtle curves of their body, their grace and most importantly their beauty.
Tom Nguyen understands the complexity of drawing women. His new book offers step-by-step instructions, with illustrations and photos, on how to draw faces, facial features, hairstyles, expressions, age variations, dynamic poses and lighting effects and five full-length demonstrations that simulate real-life “assignments from cover art to a complete comic book page are also included.
Artist of all sorts will want to study this book as it offers excellent advice and tips on drawing women of all shapes, sizes, ages and ethic backgrounds. Hot chicks-even hotter art!
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