There is no such thing as true collecting any more.
Part of the lure of collecting is the thrill of the hunt. Collecting has become like a super store. Just ask a store clerk and you can find whatever you want. E-Bay is a perfect example of this.
With a few quick keystrokes you can find practically anything. Of course most of the time the cost is at a premium. No hunting, no searching, no thrill of discovery, no 'deals', no fun.
What fun is it to collect when you can find practically anything instantly? It's almost like buying an item the moment it arrives at a store. Old merchandise or items are now as readily available as new items.
Give me the challenge of the hunt. There's nothing like coming across an unexpected treasure at a garage sale or flea market or better yet-on a trash heap!
Forget shelling out big bucks via the Internet. I prefer an on the spot deal. I'm a dime and quarter type of guy. If you want to pay a small fortune for any item-be my guest.
I never buy any collectible via the Internet. I'm too much of a tire kicker. I want to see and hold the items I'm interested in buying.
Like everything else collecting has become an 'instant gratification' statistic. Doesn't anybody have any patience anymore?