I enjoy looking stuff up on the internet. Finding little tidbits of information and using it for research has its advantages. It also has its share of disadvantages.
number one disadvantage is using search engines can be somewhat tedious and time-confusing
if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for.
and figures tend to be dispersed and not always in one place.
Rosen Publishing and the World
Almanac have the solution: their 150th
Anniversary Edition! The World Almanac And Book Of Facts 2018.
the book is an invaluable cache of information ranging from geography, history,
medicine-in fact practically every known science, study and subject tabulated
is in the Almanac.
are logically listed and include charts, maps, photos and a plethora of
pertinent information.
commemorate its 150th Anniversary, the Almanac includes a number of
special features such as new topics, 2017 year in pictures, sports statistics
and much more.
a quick, accurate and easy to use reference on just about anything, the 2018
World Almanac is a must.