Monday, February 25, 2019

Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

I haven’t had the chance to see Sony Pictures’ Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse animated movie but I have seen a number of clips and featurettes.

It won an Oscar for best animated film of 2018.

It looks amazing!  I can hardly wait for it to come out on Blu-ray! 

Until then I’ll content myself with Titan Books incredible Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse The Art Of The Movie, oversize, hardbound book.


Starting with its spot varnish cover featuring Miles Morales as Spider-Man the book delivers a web full of wonderful art included character designs, backgrounds and pre and post production concept art and the finished product illustrations.

The amount of detail entailed in the book is incredible. I love looking at the how and why of production art, design and computer graphics.

I am amazed at the sheer amount of work that went into creating the movie and I’m equally impressed by the production value of the book.

Beautifully designed and laid out, the book is an intimate portfolio resplendent with color character renderings, setting concepts, story-boarding and start-to-finish designs.

Throw in some very ‘special’ foldouts and any lover of animation, Marvel Comics and art and design are sure to enjoy flipping though each visually packed pages complete with comprehensive and informative text.

“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can.
Tilt your head, take a look.
At this incredible artwork book!”

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