Saturday, December 21, 2019

Time Travel Observations

We’re all familiar with time travel novels and movies.  They make for some interesting stories.

Scientists have theorized that time travel may be possible.  I don’t think so.  Here’s why.

If you could travel to the past or the future what would happen if you appeared instantaneously in a particular place?

Wouldn’t the sudden displacement of air cause a huge disruption all around you?

Where would the air go?  It’s one thing to push air about from an object moving through it.  It’s quite another to suddenly have something there that wasn’t there a moment ago.

What would happen to the time traveler? Since matter and energy never disappear would the time traveler's body be instantly de-materialized? 

After all their body would consist of same matter already present in the past.  It is impossible for the same mass to be in two places at the same time.

Let’s say a time traveler is able to travel to the past.  What happens when they return to the future?  Wouldn’t the additional mass (including the air) that they consumed remain in the past?

A traveler to the past traveling to the future would suddenly find themselves without air in their lungs and minus a significant part of their biology missing.  They would suffocate or at the very least have some of their organs fail.

Traveling to the future would have much the same effect.  A sudden displacement of matter would be caused by the traveler's arrival.

Time travelers to the future may maintain their mass because when they left the past to the future their atoms and molecules would not exist-yet.  So their body would be intact, but the sudden displacement of air would probably kill them

Another problem with time travel is that it must also include space travel.

The Earth is not in the same location in the universe at any given moment.  It is moving not only in space but it is also rotating.

A traveler from the past or future would overshoot their destination unless they take into account the movement of the Earth.  Talk about precision timing!

It is a known fact that the magnetic field of the Earth was stronger in the past and has weakened over the centuries.

Would that affect a time traveler?  Would a time traveler’s biology be in tune with the past or future? Could they survive?

What about past or future diseases?  Could they eat the food or drink the water?  Possibly, but they are bound to get sick-at least at first.

How would a time traveler fit into past or future societies?  Could they adjust in the past knowing what will happen in the figure?

Would they be able to cope with what happened in the past (their present) in the future?  They would truly be alone with no family or familiar surroundings.

What would their physical and mental differences be wherever in time they choose to go?

These are just a few observations.  Time travel is a fanciful notion and fun to think about.

If time travel were possible and changes were made in the past no one would know the difference in the present.  Once a time traveler journeys back to their own time would they remember their alternate present timeline?

In a sense every human being possesses a time machine.  It’s called the mind and with but a thought anyone can travel to the past and speculate about the future.

The mind is faster than light and time itself.

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