Monday, June 22, 2020

Looney Tunes and Dennis The Menace

This next pair of reviews is just for us Baby Boomers.

There was a time when kids kept themselves busy.  It did not involve video games, the internet, cable TV, I-Pads, cell phones, personal computers, mega amusement parks, mammoth shopping malls or any of the modern social media platforms we have today.

Kids pretty much played outside, occasionally went to a matinee, very seldom ate at fast food joints, went camping with the family, cherished road trips, were thrilled for a chance to got to the ‘big city’, actually read books and got their kicks from the comical exploits of funny animals or characters in the pages of comic books.

Join me as we travel down Memory Lane to the 1950s when life in America was simpler, families did things together and the simple little things kept us entertained and occupied.

I’ve chosen at random two comic books: one from Dell Comics and one from Hallden Publications.

Join Bugs Bunny and his pals in Dell’s Looney Tunes #205 and Dennis The Menace in Hallden’s A Christmas Bonus The Best Of Dennis The Menace Surprise Package #2.

Dell’s Looney Tunes #205 finds Bugs and Elmer Fudd preparing for a talent show with a grand prize of $100.  Now if only Bugs can help Elmer get some much-needed sleep.

Porky Pig desperately tries to earn his relative Cicero’s attention and admiration. Mary Jane and Sniffles learn that a spider’s web makes a great rescue device and Sylvester the Cat discovers that trying to capture Tweety Bird at a zoo gets pretty wild.

Daffy Duck helps a confused hunting dog figure out what hunting season it is, Daffy answers some silly questions and Bugs and Elmer go off key.

Imagine all of these stories and it only cost a dime!

A Christmas Bonus The Best Of Dennis The Menace Surprise Package #2 contains a number of Hallden’s previous Dennis The Menace Christmas stories reprinted in a big annual.

Stories include Dennis Christmas Shopping, Christmas Caroling, delivering Christmas presents, requesting gifts for his dog Ruff and being Santa’s Helper.

Dennis and Mr. Wilson mix it up singing Christmas Carols, Dennis helps his dad pick out a Christmas tree with devastating results, Dennis meets a lot of Santas, opens Christmas presents and gives a few suggestions about preparing for Christmas.

It’s a jolly old time as Dennis proves once again why he’s referred to as a Menace.

What kid could go wrong when for just 25 cents they could join Dennis on his wild escapades?

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