Friday, October 4, 2024

Avengers #27

It’s the 100 Page Monster Avengers #27 issue by writer Kurt Busiek and artist George Perez!

The Avengers series produced by the two men occurred when Marvel Comics was just starting to get its head above water after the comic book speculator fiasco.

Marvel Comics suffered a bankruptcy and for a while it looked as if the company would go out of business.  Fortunately it was able to keep its head just barely above water.

In Avengers #27 a number of stories are presented: two new, two reprints,

In the main story writer Kurt Busiek and artist George Perez present a very different type of Avengers tale.

In the story the government intervenes as to who should be an Avenger in the current team.  Equal opportunity, quotas, diversity and politics all play a part in what is mostly a non-action story. 

Still Busiek and Perez pull it off while still making it interesting and exciting.  It just shows what true professionals can do with any story when given an opportunity.

Another story centers on a small boy who idolizes The Avengers and must make the choice to turn his brother in for crimes committed.

Pencillers George Perez and Jack Kirbys hare the credits for a tale about the formation of The Avengers and in the final tale The Avengers face off against a near omnipotent glowing yellow man.  All of this for a mere $2.99!

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

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