Thursday, January 2, 2020


Actor Joaquin Phoenix gives the performance of his life as Warner Bros./DC Comics’ Joker according to some movie critics and analysts.

Joaquin stars as Arthur Fleck, a nobody with some serious issues when it comes to fitting in and functioning in society.

Alone and feeling ostracized he lives a sequestered existence as he watches over his sickly mother.

Also inflicted with a rare condition that causes him to laugh uncontrollably when placed in stressful situations he often becomes the object of ridicule and the brunt of many cruel jokes.

Joker is a difficult movie to describe.  Is it real or are all the events just imagined by Arthur Fleck?

Regardless of what the truth is, it is a remarkable movie.  Moviegoers get to follow the slow slip into insanity of Arthur as he deals with the harsh realities of his life.

His descent begins when street thugs, who steal his store sign that he uses to bring in customers, accost him.  Arthur being dressed as a comical clown makes the scene is all the most disturbing as the thugs relentless beat him almost to unconsciousness when he tries to retrieve the sign.

Things go for bad to worse as Arthur’s aspirations to be a stand-up comedian are shattered, he finds out much of his life is a lie perpetrated by his mother, is taunted by a fellow employee, loses his job and uncovers some shocking facts.

Ultimately he comes face-to-face with Thomas Wayne resulting in the tragic events that eventually created The Batman. 

It is remarkable watching as Arthur disappears and The Joker persona takes over.

It is a violent, often disturbing and tragic story of a lonely man who slips into madness and couldn't be happier.

There are plenty of Easter eggs referring to the Batman movies, TV show, comic books and lore.

I was surprised that after watching the film I accidentally found myself feeling sorry for The Joker.

The Joker Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Code Combo Pack, from Warner Bros., also includes four featurettes: Joker: Vision & Fury, Becoming Joker, Please Welcome...Joker! and Joker: A Chronicle of Chaos.

Joker promises to change the way people perceive a comic book movie.  Look for more groundbreaking superhero movies from Warner Bros. such as the upcoming new Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad and Batman.

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