Friday, December 25, 2020

The Other Side Of The Looking Glass

Back when author Lewis Carroll released Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland it was a social commentary of its times.

Sir John Tenniel illustrated the strange tale and the book became a huge hit spawning sequels.

ToyVault Toys in 1999 released a figurine set featuring four of the characters from the book based on Tenniel’s illustrations.

The figures comes packaged in a wide horizontal box with separate cutout areas for viewing each individual figure which are  encased in form fitting clear plastic cocoons.

The box is decorated in era colors and graphics and The Other Side Of The Looking Glass logo.

On the back of the box are individual photos of the figures in picture frames.

Figures include Alice, the Mad Hatter, Humpty Dumpty and the Caterpillar with a separate Mushroom base.

Each figure stands approximately three inches tall.

The Alice figure has golden hair blue eyes and a light complextion.  She wears a blue and white dress with puffed shoulders, apron, wide skirt and single strap brown shoes.  She holds a large pink flamingo cradled in her arms and comes with a small brown tortoise.

The Mad Hatter wears a large green top hat with brown hatband, a large red bow-tie, a red vet with green polka dots, a short green jacket, green pants with purple patches and black shoes with white spats.   

He holds a red cup of tea and piece of toast.

His long nose, bright blue eyes, and narrow face are cradled by a large collar.

Humpty Dumpty is attired blue pants and shirt, a large red bow-tie and white shoes.

His large mouth stretches across his face that has a small nose and large eye sockets with small eyes.

The caterpillar is the most colorful of the set with his multiple arms, hands, legs and feet that are all bare.

He comes dressed in a full blue body suit with hood.

He has a sleepy expression and holds a hookah with log tube attached to his mouth.

The hookah is black and extends up with two pipes.

A large red with brown spots mushroom serves as his perch.  A yellow with brown pots and an orange with brown spots mushrooms are at the base of the large mushroom.

The set of figures look identical to the illustrations they are fashioned after.

Each figure is nicely sculptured with excellent color application with subtle shades creating a muted and less vibrant color scheme reminiscent of the times the figures represent.

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