Tuesday, April 9, 2024


I was just a kid but I remember when the first Barbie doll was introduced.

A doll? A doll that looks like a grown-up? No little girl is going to like that or buy it! Boy! Was I wrong!

Recently my wife and I watched the Barbie move on Blu-ray and I have say it was funny, extremely well-crafted, had a great cast and some killer musical numbers.

OK, admit it! Of all the actresses in the world there is only one who could pull off playing Barbie. And that's Margot Robbie. 

She’s beautiful, an excellent actress and has the talent to pull it off some really memorable characters-Harley Quinn anyone?

Like most films Barbie had a press junket and tour before the film came out.

Rizzoli/Universe presents the oversize Barbie: The World Tour-Margot Robbie Andrew Mukamal book wrapped in a clear dust jacket and featuring a full color body shot of Margot as Barbie on its cover-along with her accessories.

The oversize, hardbound book also boasts come spectacular interior photographs that really pop on the dull-gloss paper stock.

The interior paper makes the color photos look retro and like something seen on a toy package.

Inside are shots of Margot dressed as Barbie in a plethora of fashionable cloths complemented with photos of an actual Barbie doll in the same outfits.

Photo montages, sketches, drawings, full-page closeups and double-page spreads and notes accompanied by text written chronicle the tour.

Jewelry, furs, seasonal outfits, accessories and commentaries by the crew behind the tour are also included. It’s a Barbie bonanza!

It's an extremely well-designed and put together book with great photos and interesting text and personal observations culminating in a stellar tribute to Barbie.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

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