Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Aliens and Universe

Way back in the late 1960s speculative author Erich von Däniken wrote a book called Chariot of the Gods (later made into a movie) that sets forth the following hypothesis: what if Earth’s ancient civilizations were products of visits from aliens millennium ago?  What if the ancient techniques for building, medicine, science, etc. were products of knowledge shared by extraterrestrials?
As a young man at the time I was fascinated by the possibilities.  Even today such possibilities intrigues me.

Lionsgate and the History Channel present in a 2-disc DVD collection ‘The Best of Ancient Aliens Greatest Mysteries.

In the set the documentaries examine the ancient technology responsible for building the pyramids, the frightening scenario that the Black Plague was a planned epidemic and the Nazi during WWII used alien acquired technology to create some its ‘super weapons’ and much more.

Eight episodes make up the set and each are fascinating ‘what if’ explorations of the mysteries of the past.

The Best of the Universe is a 2-disc collection of episodes from the award-winning History Channel series that explores the mysteries of the universe.  From spaceflight to flights of fancy the series takes viewers on unfettered journeys to distant stars and galaxies, fantastic intergalactic vistas and deep within uncharted space.  Asteroids, rogue stars, nebulas-the series covers them all in a fascinating seven episode collection that delves into the cold and dark secrets of the universe.