Monday, April 27, 2020


Giant robots, a futuristic battle suit, aliens and time travel-what more could ask for in a movie?

Alliance Entertainment proudly presents the Bravestorm movie on DVD.

The remake of the classic 1970s TV series Silver Mask and Super Robot Red Baron brings five surviving siblings of mankind in the year 2050 to stop the alien race known as the Killgis.

The Killgis dispatch their giant robot, Black Baron, to alter the earth’s atmosphere to be like their home planet.

The siblings hatch a plan to send three of them back in time to 2013 to stop the alien invasion before it gets started.

The three siblings each have a special power: psychic abilities, a device to identify aliens and a Silver Mask power suit.

With them they take the plans for the Black Baron robot and then contact the world’s leading robotics expert to manufacture a Red Baron robot from the plans with additional capabilities.

The scientist's younger brother pilots the robot and he, along with the three siblings, face off against the alien invasion.

Bravestorm is an in your face, the action never lets up, special effects and battle supreme film that keeps you at the edge of your seat.

It’s use of cleverly designed robots and aliens, miniatures and practical and visual effects combine to make this a film that is fun and exciting to watch.

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