Friday, September 4, 2020

Horror Comic: Chamber Of Darkness #7

Any comic book that features a Bernie Wrightson cover and interior art can’t go wrong.

In the early 1970s Bernie was just beginning his stellar penciling career.  He bounced from publisher to publisher drawing short stories.  Much of his work was for DC Comics, Warren Publications and Marvel Comics.

In Marvel Comic's Chamber Of Darkness #7 Bernie contributes a scary tale of a Golden Gargoyle with a horrifying twist ending.

A Steve Ditko classic tale is reprinted in which a criminal with a mask discovers that often a mask doesn’t hide but reveals one’s true nature.

Tom Sutton provides a short two-page tale where a monster created form the dead turns on his master.

Finally Jack Kirby tells the tale of the real story behind the abominable Snowman.

Chamber Of Darkness #7 gives readers four classic horrific stories for the cover price of 15-cents.  So much horror, so little cash!

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