Monday, January 18, 2021

Wolverine Fights Back: Marvel Comics: The Uncanny X-Men #132

Of his over 40 years of existence in Marvel Comics there is one moment that in my mind that defines Wolverine.

During the Dave Cockrum/John Byrne early run on Uncanny X-Men both pencillers and writer Chris Claremont slowly developed Wolverine’s character.

It was John Byrne who popularized the character, making him the feral beast known and loved by millions today.

Wolverine was Byrne’s favorite X-Men and it showed in the way he drew the character.

The Uncanny X-Men issue #132 is special for several reasons:

Nightcrawler and Wolverine really mesh as a team when they infiltrate the Hellfire Club, the inner circle of the Club reveal their mutant powers and Jean Grey transforms into the Black Queen and takes out the X-Men.

But, to me, the most important development in the story involves Wolverine.

Issue #132 really spotlights just how vicious and cunning he is.

When faced against almost insurmountable odds Wolverine fights on, despite the danger.  His loyalty to his fellow X-Men shines through.

What really shines out in this issue is the very last penal.  In it Wolverine has been plunged into the sewer systems beneath the club.  He manages to grab onto a water line and drag himself out of the water waist deep.

He turns with claws extended and glares straight at the reader and says these famous words, “OK suckers--you’ve taken your best shot!  Now it’s my turn!”

That moment defines Wolverine like no other and that single panel has become a classic scene known by fans all over the world.

At that instant Wolverine is clearly defined as the type of person and mutant he is.  It’s both enlightening and frightening at the same time.  Instant classic!

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