Friday, May 17, 2024

Word Of The Day

I've never considered myself a writer until I realized that for the past 33 years I have written thousands of product reviews, commentaries, newspaper articles, three children's' books, comic books and advertising copy.

It hasn't been easy. But, over the years it’s not been so much letting the creative writing flow as it was being organized, consistent and drawing images and incidents from my own life.

I tell stories-albeit subtly intertwined with my reviews. But, like any writer, I want to improve.

Writer Marilyn Horowitz (with Elizabeth Wiseman) has written Word Of The Day that promises to Transform Your Writing In 15 Minutes A Day, published by 0-books/John Hunt Publishing.

Many of the tips they suggested I already practice but there are a few little tricks that helped me improve my writing.

Keep a journal, write in the early hours, intermingle your dreams and imagination, fuse verbal with visuals and let your right and left brain communicate with each other-logic + emotions.

There’s the words of the day, writing beliefs, story ideas, conflict clusters and a whole cornucopia filled with creative jump starts.

Try them, they work!

Deuteronomy 20:4 For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

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