Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Calvin And Hobbes Portable Compendium Books 3-4

When I was a kid I had all sorts of imaginary friends. In my case they were all characters from TV shows starring grown men. 

My father died when I was only four years old and as with any young boy I wanted a strong male roll model.

Characters like James T. Kirk, Jim West, Batman, Illya Kuryakin and others helped me establish my male identity.

Later on in my life real men took their place.

In Andrews McMeel Publishings’ The Calvin And Hobbes Portable Compendium Books 3 & 4, by artist/writer Bill Watterson, young Calvin’s imaginary companion is a tiger by the name of Hobbes.

Together the duo manage to befuddle Calvin’s mom, dad, friends, teachers and other adults and children with their mischievous pranks, unusual antics and downright bizarre opinions and takes on life.

It’s a delightful compilation of Watterson’s daily and Sunday comic strips from March 1987 to July 1988.

Although Watterson only wrote and drew the strip for ten years the legacy of Calvin and Hobbes lives on and is just relevant and funny today as it was decades ago.

Relive your childhood, its innocence and unique perspective on life.

Colossians 3:14 - And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Picture yourself booking a flight on a commercial jet. It’s vacation time and you plan on visiting relatives, taking in some sights and relaxing.

Everything seems normal. You board your flight, navigate the aisle to your seat, stow your take-on luggage and settle in.

After a short period the flight attendants pass out drinks and snacks. You can hardly wait for the flight to end so you can continue your vacation.

You flight lands and to your horror you discover that five years have passed! None of your family is at the airport to greet you. They all think you died five years ago.

What happened? Where did the time go? Why does everything seem so strange and your feel ‘different’?

Join the flight crew and passengers of Montego Air Flight 828 that lands safely after a turbulent but routine flight. What seems like just a few hours since they boarded and landed is actually been five years!

Believed dead the crew and passengers realize that something special happened and they are part of it. But what?

That’s the premise behind the Manifest TV series with all four seasons collected on DVDs courtesy of Warner Bros./Discovery’s Manifest: The Complete Series containing all 64 episodes.

Follow the Ives of the passengers and crew as they navigate their way through the mystery, discover some unsettling facts and ultimately uncover what really happened.

It’s mystery, intrigue, fantasy and action all rolled up in one spectacular series.

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

If The Shoe Fits...

Imagine yourself as a cobbler (a maker of shoes). Suddenly one day a very ‘stout’ magic fairy godmother shows up at your door exclaiming that she had run out of magic.

Seems she used it all to make a carriage, gown and the necessary objects for a young girl to go to a royal ball to meet the prince.

Unfortunately the fairy godmother ran out of magic before she could make glass slippers.

The cobbler (Murray) makes her a pair of small glass slippers and she goes her way.

Somehow his clerk (who believes she is destined to marry a prince) convinces the cobbler to make her fake (very LARGE) glass slippers she can wear to the ball and substitute her glass slipper for the small slipper so she is chosen to marry the prince.

The cobber is in love with his clerk (Mona) and is devastated when she is chosen by the baffled prince.

Later the fairy godmother returns to the cobbler’s shop and is not happy about his shoe substitution.

The two team up to make things right, which they do. When the truth comes out Mona realizes that her prince was the cobbler all along.

Author Deborah Guarino and illustrator Seth Hippen team up to make a delightful and hilarious tale of a fairy tale gone awry in If The Show Fits..., published by Schiffer Publishing/Kids.

The oversize, hardbound book with dust jacket features awesome illustrations in full-color and hilarious text both of which combine to make a heartfelt moral tale.

Proverbs 17:6 - Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Diamond Previews, July 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Great Big Visual Hug

Who doesn’t love warm and cuddly feelings? A kind word, cute animals and babies, a fond memory-they all make us feel warm and loved.

In writer and artist Andres J. Colmenares’ new book: A Great Big Visual Hug, published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, warm, fuzzy, cuddly and down right cute images and text abound.

Delightful full-color illustrations of everyday objects, animals and folk are sure to bring a smile to your face and soften even the most hard heart.

The book collects over 200 of the authors most popular Wawawiwa comics along with brand new images that have never been seen before.

So get ready to be cuddled, embraced, inspired and delighted with A Great Big Visual Hug in this cute little softbound, full color paperback book.

1 Corinthians 16:14 - Let all your things be done with charity.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Gentlemen

Some of the creepiest characters ever seen on the Buffy TV series were The Gentlemen.

The Gentlemen 12-inch fully articulated figures (each packaged individually) come in a Sideshow Collectibles' clear plastic front box for viewing with information about the TV series on the back of the box.

Inside the 12-inch figure is held in place by wires while the accessories are secure in a form-fitted clear plastic cocoon.

There are three The Gentlemen.  The only variation is their faces that look very similar.

I am reviewing only one figure since they all come dressed the same and with the same accessories.

The Gentlemen came to Sunnyvale and struck everyone dumb.  No one could talk as The Gentlemen went about performing their supernatural atrocities.

The Gentlemen Sideshow Collectible figures all wear black suits with white handkerchiefs in their coat pockets and have white shirts with collars and cuffs.

The gangly figures have greenish/gray complexions, are bald, have hollow deep set eyes and large red lips pulled back revealing their teeth.

The Gentlemen in the Buffy TV series could hover in the air and the Sideshow figures emulate that effect by clever circular bases and clear attachable half rings that prop the figures in the air.  Spooky!

Included with the figures are black doctor bags, human hearts, decanters, strange wooden boxes with markings and surgical scalpels.

The figures' preset hands easily hold the various objects with not slippage or wonkiness.

Clothing features real small buttons, tiny stitching, realistic tailoring and seams.

The figures can be posed without making unsightly folds and unnatural creases in the clothing.  Overall they are great figures with smartly tailored clothing and finely detailed accessories.

Philippians 4:6 - Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Well, This Is Me

There is bizarre. Bizarre such as strange, unusual things. Then there is bizarre as in everyday things, people, places and occurrences as depicted in Asher Perlman’s new Andrews McMeel Publishing book: Well, This Is Me, that collects his cartoons from the New Yorker.

I like it. Perlman’s humor echoes my own. We both see the absurd in the most common things, misconceptions, hidden truths, false fronts, observations and real life absurdities.

He’s going bald, I’m going bald. He’s middle aged-well, I was, I'm past that stage.

Anyway, you get the idea.

This small, soft paperback book packs in a lot of chuckles, laughs and guffaws. What makes it so funny is that it’s true-most of of us just don’t want to admit it.

It’s brilliant, absurd, hilarious, strange, witty and more. It’s a compilation of inner wants and murmurings with clever text complemented by a unique art style.

1 John 4:8 - He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dexter's Laboratory The Complete Series

That kid. Everyone knew that kid. You know, the super smart kid in school that had all the answers, was adept at everything, pulled straight A’s and who inevitably had a rival just as smart as they were.

He or she was always the one to raise their hand first to answer questions (and got the answers right). They made other students look dumb without even trying.

They had practically no friends unless it was another one of those other ‘kids’. We called them nerds, brainiacs and few other choice descriptions best not mentioned here.

In Warner Bros./Discovery/Cartoon Network’s Dexter's Laboratory The Complete Series DVD Set all six seasons of the animated TV series are compiled in a slipcase covered plastic DVD container complete with a cover of the Dexter cast.

He’s genius and he knows it. But, that does not stop his annoying sister Dee Dee from pushing his buttons and putting him in his place.

Dexter creates the most amazing inventions in his secret laboratory connected to his room. Time after time he saves the world and comes up with some amazing contraptions.

But like all great geniuses he has his rival. In Dexter’s case it is Mandark who constantly tries to one up him and causes all sorts of problems.

All 78 episodes of the Emmy Award-winning animated series are included along with the Dexter’s Laboratory: Ego Trip special.

Relive the past with Dexter’s Laboratory: The Complete Series DVD Set that compiles the entire series broadcast from 1996 to 2003.

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Art Of Luxury Design

I am an artist and graphic designer. I appreciate clever product designs and aesthetics.

While attending high school and college I studied a lot of art/design history.

My favorite periods, especially when it comes to product designs, are the Art Nouveau, Art Deco periods and when Swedish/Scandinavian design dominated product and structure design.

For the first time product and buildings were not only utilitarian they were thoughtfully designed and shaped to please the artistic/aesthetic sensibilities of consumers.

During the 1960s throughout most of the 1980s function tended to outshine aesthetics. However, as advances in technology, materials and manufacturing blossomed form soon dominated function especially as it pertained to luxury items.

In author Steve Huyton’s new oversize hardbound book: The Art Of Luxury Design, published by Schiffer Publishing, readers are invited to a celebration of the world’s most exquisite goods.

Be prepared to be dazzled and amazed with the designs of architecture, transportation, time pieces, furniture and much more all presented in full-color and stunning photos that pick up every detail of the designs and structures.

Visually I feel as if I walked into a designer’s candy shop of colors, shapes and seamless design perfection.

Photos explode off the pages made so by the choice of interior paper stock and the high-resolution photos.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Ironman 2 The Art Of The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

What do you do when you have a hit superhero movie?

Why you follow it up with another superhero movie starring the same superhero but with a different villain of course!

I did not know what to expect from Ironman 2. Would it live up to the first movie?

It did, but not in the way I expected. Ironman 2 was a much more personal movie that delved into what made Tony Stark tick.

Viewers got to see what made Tony-good and bad.

In the film Tony Stark faced-off against an opponent every as bit as technologically savvy as he was.

 The villain believed that Tony stole his father’s technology secret and squares-off against Tony (Ironman) and Rodney Rhodes (War Machine) using that technology. Revenge is the name and Ironman is reluctantly in the game.

In Titan Books’ Ironman 2 The Art Of The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga, written by John Barber, all the secrets to making the blockbuster film follow-up to the first Ironman film.

The heavy cover stock, oversized hardbound book also includes a wraparound dustcover with art depicting Ironman and War Machine and an armor gallery highlighted with spot varnish

Inside things start off big with a foreword by John Favreau and then proceeds to examine the film in various chapters.

Look for Hall Of Armor, Brothers In Arms, Armored Enemies, Setting The Stage, Forged In Iron, Building Tomorrow and Marketing.

Check out the awesome production art with armor, costume, set and special effects designs.

Color photos of each element in the film showcases the incredible and impressive amount of work and expertise that went into each.

Action sequences, armor transformations, weaponry deployment, suit construction, the introduction of Black Widow, Nick Fury’s appearance, tech specs and construction, storyboards and more delve into every aspect of the film.

For any Ironman fan this book is a visual treat accompanied by intriguing and riveting text.

It’s a great book with plenty of engrossing content and context all wrapped up n a gorgeously designed package with stunning photos and art.

The variation of armor designs and weapon and technology concepts and complete pieces really interested me.

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" — Micah 6:8


Friday, June 14, 2024

The Goonies DVD

Some consider it the ultimate kids’ movie.

Imagine a section of a New England town affection ally known as the Goondocks.  

A ruthless investor and real estate mogul is buying up all the land to make way for a huge land development complex catering to the rich and famous.

A group of kids, desperate to stay together and save the Goondocks, discover a secret pirate treasure map amongst museum leftovers in one of the kid’s (Mikey) father’s attic.

Together they go on an adventurous and dangerous quest to find the treasure and save the Goondocks.

By far the breakaway stars of the movie are Chunk, the truffle shuffle kid, and Sloth, the giant misshapen head child/man who befriends The Goonies and loves Baby Ruth candy bars and superman.

This movie was made in a time where computer graphics were just starting top pop in small bits in movies.

The Goonies, from Warner Bros. used practical effects and sets.  All of the visual effects had to be hand crafted, composed and took a large amount of time to complete.

Sets were built form the pirate ship, cave complex and when not constructed all the outdoor shots were on location.

Imagine trying to direct a bunch of kids.  Somehow director Richard Donner managed to do so and this created a classic kids’ film.

The DVD includes a few extras like a featurette of making the film, a music video from Cindi Lauper who wrote The Goonies song, outtakes, commentaries and more.

If you’ve never seen the movie I suggest you do so, especially with kids around.  It still holds up today even though it was filmed going on 40 years ago.

Exodus 34:28 - And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Rarity Collection II

What better way to celebrate YU-Gi-Oh’s 25th Anniversary than with the Konami’s Shonen Jump Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game 1st Edition Rarity Collection II?

Anything that accomplishes 25 years in continuity such as a marriage, business, employment or event needs to be celebrated in style and that’s just what YGO’s Rarity Collection II does!

Compared to last year’s Rarity Edition I this new Edition contains twice the amount of Ultra and Secret Rare Cards per 9 Cards per Pack.

Eighteen Packs come per Box with every Card in the Set is available in every Rarity: 

  • Three standard Rarities (Super Rare, Ultra rare, Secret Rare),

Four exceptional luxury Rarities:

  • Quarter Century Secret Rares, Platinum Secret Rares, Prismatic style Collector's Rares, and Prismatic style Ultimate Rares.

Opening Rarity Collection Packs are a rapid-fire waterfall of high-powered Cards in seven of the game's most popular Foil rRarities. If you haven't experienced this all-foil extravaganza yet, you are in for a treat!

Look what Rarity Collection II features:

  • 25th Anniversary Sequel.
  • Twice the Luxury Rares,
  • Reduced Packaging.
  • Higher Odds of Luxury Rares.
  • Diverse Rarity Levels.
  • All-Foil Extravaganza.

It’s time to celebrate and Yu-Gi-Oh! knows how to to the max!

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Soviet Space Program

Starting at the beginning of World War II until 1953 both the Soviets and the United States took notice of the impressive rocket technology designed by the German Nazi.

Far ahead technologically of the Allied forces as it pertained to rocketry, jet and rocket-powered vehicles and guided missile technology the Nazi posed a huge threat to the world.

Given more time and resources the Nazi would have easily won the war.

Anxious to get their hands on such technology both the Soviets and USA were in a race to space.

The Soviets, like the USA, acquired much of the German rocketry secrets at the end of the war by raiding Nazi sites, commandeering documents and taking prisoner Nazi scientists who created the rockets and other high-tech weapons.

In The Soviet Space Program, written and researched by Eberhard Rodel and published by Schiffer Publishing, the small hardbound book examines the Soviet push to dominate space.

Photos, graphs, technical drawings and highly-detailed and researched text explore just how close the Soviets were to conquering space and beating America to space exploration, advanced weaponry and world domination.

Discover the first steps the Soviets took from 1941 to 1953.

Having lived through the Cold War I can testify that if the Soviets had managed to outpace the Americans with its space program the world would be a much different place than it is today.

Psalms 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Time Machine

Join the traveler as he whisks through time to a dystopian future populated by two races: a timid and childlike tribe of placid surface dwellers and cannibalistic, animal-like monstrosities that populate the underground.

I recall seeing this movie in the movie theater in the early 1960s. I loved it then and I love it now.

I was enamored with the cool stop-motion, time travel special effects, horrified at the Morlocks and taken back by the nuclear war sequence.

Produced and directed by George Pal the film stars Rod Taylor as a time traveler who journeys to the distant future to what he hopes will be a better world.  

What he discovers shocks him and makes him realize that human suffering, tragedy and the plight of the underdog exists in all times.

But, it also promises to bring the best out of humanity.

Strapped with a small budget and starring relatively unknown talent The Time Machine was believed to a relatively modest hit by the studios.

What Warner Brosdidn’t expect was the film to become a runaway hit and a cult classic.

The Time Machine DVD includes not only the movie but also a special film short taking place after the film’s finale starring the two main characters in the film.

Also look for the theatrical trailer, filmographies and an interactive menu.

It’s remarkable that the film still stands up today in that it was released over 60 years ago.

The special visual effects and practical effects are a little dated but considering the restraints place on the film the creative team behind it did a remarkable job.

Deuteronomy 4:13 - And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Art Of Ironman The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

When Marvel Studios released its first Ironman movie it was taking a big chance-kind of like showing all of your cards at a poker game.

Marvel’s gamble paid off and Ironman was a huge success in no small part due to the brilliant decision to star Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark/Ironman.

I remember going to the movies and I had high hopes. After all, previous Marvel movies, while not bad, didn’t quite capture the Marvel magic. They tried too hard to emulate Marvel superheroes as 2D characters in a 3D world.

Ironman did everything right from the get go. The film made Ironman real-a real person-a movie character. Movie-goers witnessed the birth of Ironman and the beginning of the Avengers Agenda.

I was impressed on how close the movie followed the comic book version of Ironman’s origin. There were a few minor changes.

The The Art Of Ironman The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga book, written by John Rhett Thomas, with a forewords by director Jon Favreau and Louis D'Esposito and published by Titan Books, captures the magic of the film.

Starting off with mind-boggling illustrations the book breaks the film down into these categories: Tales Of Suspense, The Many Armors Of Ironman, Armor Wars, Technical Support, Setting The Stage, Forged In Iron, On The Bleeding Edge and Marketing Ironman.

There‘s also a special tribute to Stan Winston who headed the studio that designed and build the practical Ironman armor.

Ironman was a cutting-edge and ground-breaking film especially when it came to computer and practical special effects.

Discover how Ironman’s armor was designed and built, set and costume designs, storyboards, technical and conceptual sketches and how the film was pulled off.

As Marvel Studios first film foray Ironman would make or break the studio.

Fortunately it was a huge success leading to a massive Marvel superheroes movie deluge.

The book is pure eye-candy, complete with lots of photos and art and verbiage that delves into the who, what, why, how, where and when of the film.

Check out the beautifully designed dust cover featuring a photo montage from the movie all accented by spot varnish.  It's gorgeous!

Romans 12:12 - Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Friday, June 7, 2024

Marvel Collector’s Library Vol. 1 Comic Book Library

Long before there were online Marvel Comic Book back issue libraries, numerous reprint books and trade paperback reprints there was Topic Entertainment’s Marvel Collector’s LibraryVol. 1 Comic Book Library.

Released in 2003 the CD-Rom contains the very first Marvel Age of Comics appearances of Spider-Man, The Incredible hulk, Daredevil, The Uncanny X-Men, The Fantastic Four, Captain America, The Avengers, Namor The Submariner, Iron Man and The Silver Surfer.

Included are the complete, first 10 issues of the full-color adventures of the above listed heroes. Full character bios and three free comic books make up the balance of this impressive CD-Rom.

If you want to own the first adventures of Marvel’s top heroes without dishing out thousands of dollars then this CD-Rom collection is your next best best!

Romans 6:15 - What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Magical Fairy Home & Gardens

Fairies-mysterious, magical, mischievous miniature human-like creatures with wings. They are the things of legends written about in folklore from countries all over the world.

Growing up some of my favorite literature was science fiction and fantasy-much of which mentioned or contained fairies.

Fairies and their magical world have always fascinated humans. 

 Even today your see fairies as envisioned in books, toys, garden figures, tree decorations, decorating bookshelves or walls in homes and so forth.

I visited a local Dollar Tree the other day and the store had a whole section of miniature fairy folk complete with their dwellings.

Fairies have become collector items, cherished keepsakes and favorite toys.

In Schiffer Publishing new book: Magical Fairy Homes & Gardens, written by Barbara Purchia and E. Ashley Rooney, with a foreword by David D. J. Rau, the modern fairy fascination is explored fully.

Inside this delightful and colorful, oversize soft-bound book garnished with gold foil type, readers are given a personal tour of the growing fairy community of dwellings and environments.

Look for tree dwellings, garden landscapes, cottages, villages, tents, door dwellings and various other fairy habitats.

Filled with full-color photographs and instructions and tips on how to construct such dwellings the book fulfills the fairy phenomenon frenzy fans of fairies favor.

Jeremiah 33:6 - Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Anakin Skywalker

Sideshow Collectibles
presents its 12-inch, fully-articulated figure of Anakin Skywalker-the original bad boy Jedi Knight that succumbed to the Dark Side and became Darth Vader.

The Order Of The Jedi Anakin Skywalker figure comes packaged in a thick, flip-lid box with color photos of the figure displayed on all sides.

The wide hinge lid (with Velcroed panel) revealing the accessories opens up. The Velcro panel interior has information about the figure and Star Wars Universe as does the wide hinge area connecting the inside flap and main body of the box.

The thick inside flap interior holds all the accessories for the figure snug in a plastic form fitted cocoon behind a clear plastic panel.

The figure itself is enclosed in the main part of the box. It too is secured in a form-fitted, clear plastic cocoon and protected by a see-thru plastic panel. A single sheet of tissue paper between the accessories and figure panel eliminates scuffing.

A circular base with support wire also comes with the figure. This allows the figure to be posed and displayed. Articulation of the figure is tight and includes: ball and socket, swivel, hinge and tilt articulation points.

The hands firmly grasp the various accessories with no slippage or wonkiness and the coloration of the figure is well done especially on the face with slight tone variations emulating human flesh.

The face sculpt looks like Anakin right down to its piercing blue eyes, sharp features and slightly grim look. The hair is molded plastic but looks remarkably real.

Accessories include:

  • A Belt with Lightsaber and Opening Pouches.
  • Lightsaber Hilt.
  • Lightsaber Hilt with Ignited Blade
  • Jedi Food Capsules.
  • Jedi Aquata Breather.
  • Jedi Holoprojector.
  • Jedi Communicator
  • Multiple Interchangeable Hands:
    • Force Wield Left Hand.
    • Lightsaber Grip Left Hand.
    • Robotic Right Hand and Forearm.
    • Gloved Right Hand and Forearm.

Detailing is superb especially on the Lightsaber and Robotic Right Hand and Forearm. The Robotic Arm’s mechanisms are clearly seen and the seamless blending of mechanism and flesh is amazing.

The figure comes dressed in typical Jedi attire with a black pleated smock and a black leather vest which is cinched at the waist with a black belt complete with silver buckle, twin pouches and a small black carrying case.

Both the smock and vest are open around the figure’s neck for a loose fit.

Brown pants are tucked into knee-high, black leather boots and a large brown hooded cape drapes over the figure’s shoulders and hides its face is so chosen.

Overall it is an excellent figure with well-crafted accessories, excellent color application, clever articulation and superb packaging the at keeps both the figure and accessories organized and snug.

Movement of the figure is unhindered by the clothing. No unsightly folds, wrinkles or creases occur in the clothing when the figure is posed.

Leviticus 22:31 - Therefore shall ye keep my commandments, and do them: I am the LORD.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Mighty Thor #388

Thor: Alone Against The Celestials!

The cover says it all as The God Of Thunder faces off against the space gods: The Celestials!

Thor stands atop an alien planet mountain and is awed by the arrival of the gigantic Celestials.

The Celestials have passed judgment on the planet and methodically begin the destruction of the populated planet.

Infuriated Thor attacks The Celestials and is instantly transported into a mad alternate universe.  

Savagely attacked by its inhabitants Thor prevails and manages to teleport back to the Celestials.

Thor attacks the largest of the space gods and pierces its brain only to attacked by a vicious armored monster.

Once again Thor prevails and using the power of his hammer shatters The Celestials dome covered head only to be attacked by a horde of the same type of monsters like the one he encountered before.

WOW!  This issue is awesome!  Talk about action!

Thor not only fights The Celestials, space pirates, Thor’s hammer is destroyed and Thor has no choice but to continue to fight using his own awesome power.

Marvel Comics’ The Mighty Thor #388 establishes the connection The Celestial have to the creation of the galaxy and also their ties to the Asgardian gods.

Psalms 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan

The first Star Trek movie was a success-but not a big one. Fans of the original series liked the movie but felt it lacked the familiar feel of the 1966-1969 series.

Paramount Studios decided to take a chance and make a new Star Trek film, with a smaller budget, and hope for the best.

Star Trek; The Wrath Of Khan is considered by most of the Star Trek: The Original Series fans as the best of the Star Trek films starring the original cast.

Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan was like watching the classic TV series only with a bigger budget and cooler special effects. 

It even brought back Captain Kirk’s most formidable foe: Khan Noonien Singh-the megalomaniac, genetically engineered conqueror from the late 20th Century.

Did you know that William Shatner (Captain Kirk) and Ricardo Montalban (Khan) never filmed a scene together? They acted their scenes separately and later the scenes were compiled to make the film.

Titan Books’ Star Trek The Wrath Of Khan The Making Of The Classic Film, written by John Tenuto and Maria Jose Tenuto, with a foreword by Julie Nimoy, delves into making the Star Trek film the not only revitalized the Star Trek franchise but set the standard by which all other Star Trek films and TV shows had to adhere to.

The huge hardbound book’s dust jacket recreates the film’s poster on its front with spot varnished photos from the film on its back.

Dull-coated, paper-stock interior pages let the gloss photos standout. The entertaining and enlightening text make for a fascinating read.

The book explores how the second Star Trek film was highly influenced by the original TV series including costume design, the refitting and revamping of the first Trek film’s interiors, technology and set pieces.

Sets were smaller and more intimate, action was ramped up and each cast member was given their own special moment.

Discover how the Enterprise was lit, slightly modified and equipment, practical and special effects were pulled off.

There are plenty of main cast member photos along with other cast members, lots of interior and planet side photos. production sketches and art, miniatures, and even a section on Star Trek movie merchandise.

The Wrath Of Khan was a much more dynamic, up-close and personal and emotional film that captured the essence of the TV series.

I loved seeing behind-the-scenes photos of the cast, technicians and support staff at work and the wizards of special effects doing their magic.


1 Corinthians 10:13 - There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.