Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Soviet Space Program

Starting at the beginning of World War II until 1953 both the Soviets and the United States took notice of the impressive rocket technology designed by the German Nazi.

Far ahead technologically of the Allied forces as it pertained to rocketry, jet and rocket-powered vehicles and guided missile technology the Nazi posed a huge threat to the world.

Given more time and resources the Nazi would have easily won the war.

Anxious to get their hands on such technology both the Soviets and USA were in a race to space.

The Soviets, like the USA, acquired much of the German rocketry secrets at the end of the war by raiding Nazi sites, commandeering documents and taking prisoner Nazi scientists who created the rockets and other high-tech weapons.

In The Soviet Space Program, written and researched by Eberhard Rodel and published by Schiffer Publishing, the small hardbound book examines the Soviet push to dominate space.

Photos, graphs, technical drawings and highly-detailed and researched text explore just how close the Soviets were to conquering space and beating America to space exploration, advanced weaponry and world domination.

Discover the first steps the Soviets took from 1941 to 1953.

Having lived through the Cold War I can testify that if the Soviets had managed to outpace the Americans with its space program the world would be a much different place than it is today.

Psalms 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

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