Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dexter's Laboratory The Complete Series

That kid. Everyone knew that kid. You know, the super smart kid in school that had all the answers, was adept at everything, pulled straight A’s and who inevitably had a rival just as smart as they were.

He or she was always the one to raise their hand first to answer questions (and got the answers right). They made other students look dumb without even trying.

They had practically no friends unless it was another one of those other ‘kids’. We called them nerds, brainiacs and few other choice descriptions best not mentioned here.

In Warner Bros./Discovery/Cartoon Network’s Dexter's Laboratory The Complete Series DVD Set all six seasons of the animated TV series are compiled in a slipcase covered plastic DVD container complete with a cover of the Dexter cast.

He’s genius and he knows it. But, that does not stop his annoying sister Dee Dee from pushing his buttons and putting him in his place.

Dexter creates the most amazing inventions in his secret laboratory connected to his room. Time after time he saves the world and comes up with some amazing contraptions.

But like all great geniuses he has his rival. In Dexter’s case it is Mandark who constantly tries to one up him and causes all sorts of problems.

All 78 episodes of the Emmy Award-winning animated series are included along with the Dexter’s Laboratory: Ego Trip special.

Relive the past with Dexter’s Laboratory: The Complete Series DVD Set that compiles the entire series broadcast from 1996 to 2003.

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

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