Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Art Of Ironman The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

When Marvel Studios released its first Ironman movie it was taking a big chance-kind of like showing all of your cards at a poker game.

Marvel’s gamble paid off and Ironman was a huge success in no small part due to the brilliant decision to star Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark/Ironman.

I remember going to the movies and I had high hopes. After all, previous Marvel movies, while not bad, didn’t quite capture the Marvel magic. They tried too hard to emulate Marvel superheroes as 2D characters in a 3D world.

Ironman did everything right from the get go. The film made Ironman real-a real person-a movie character. Movie-goers witnessed the birth of Ironman and the beginning of the Avengers Agenda.

I was impressed on how close the movie followed the comic book version of Ironman’s origin. There were a few minor changes.

The The Art Of Ironman The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga book, written by John Rhett Thomas, with a forewords by director Jon Favreau and Louis D'Esposito and published by Titan Books, captures the magic of the film.

Starting off with mind-boggling illustrations the book breaks the film down into these categories: Tales Of Suspense, The Many Armors Of Ironman, Armor Wars, Technical Support, Setting The Stage, Forged In Iron, On The Bleeding Edge and Marketing Ironman.

There‘s also a special tribute to Stan Winston who headed the studio that designed and build the practical Ironman armor.

Ironman was a cutting-edge and ground-breaking film especially when it came to computer and practical special effects.

Discover how Ironman’s armor was designed and built, set and costume designs, storyboards, technical and conceptual sketches and how the film was pulled off.

As Marvel Studios first film foray Ironman would make or break the studio.

Fortunately it was a huge success leading to a massive Marvel superheroes movie deluge.

The book is pure eye-candy, complete with lots of photos and art and verbiage that delves into the who, what, why, how, where and when of the film.

Check out the beautifully designed dust cover featuring a photo montage from the movie all accented by spot varnish.  It's gorgeous!

Romans 12:12 - Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

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