Monday, June 10, 2024

The Time Machine

Join the traveler as he whisks through time to a dystopian future populated by two races: a timid and childlike tribe of placid surface dwellers and cannibalistic, animal-like monstrosities that populate the underground.

I recall seeing this movie in the movie theater in the early 1960s. I loved it then and I love it now.

I was enamored with the cool stop-motion, time travel special effects, horrified at the Morlocks and taken back by the nuclear war sequence.

Produced and directed by George Pal the film stars Rod Taylor as a time traveler who journeys to the distant future to what he hopes will be a better world.  

What he discovers shocks him and makes him realize that human suffering, tragedy and the plight of the underdog exists in all times.

But, it also promises to bring the best out of humanity.

Strapped with a small budget and starring relatively unknown talent The Time Machine was believed to a relatively modest hit by the studios.

What Warner Brosdidn’t expect was the film to become a runaway hit and a cult classic.

The Time Machine DVD includes not only the movie but also a special film short taking place after the film’s finale starring the two main characters in the film.

Also look for the theatrical trailer, filmographies and an interactive menu.

It’s remarkable that the film still stands up today in that it was released over 60 years ago.

The special visual effects and practical effects are a little dated but considering the restraints place on the film the creative team behind it did a remarkable job.

Deuteronomy 4:13 - And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.

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