Monday, July 29, 2024

The Art Of Ironman 3 The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

After the stellar success of the Ironman movie and its follow up film Ironman 2 how could Marvel Studios top each film?

How about having Tony Stark tackle a foe who doesn’t need armor to destroy his Ironman armor, who destroys his home, almost kills his friends, sends Tony scrambling to recoup and introduced Tony’s army of armor, paranoia and the set up for The Age Of Ultron storyline in the second Avengers movie?

Are those enough reasons to check out this film? You bet it is! I am only touching the tip of the iceberg on just how pivotal and important Ironman 3 is in establishing the final confrontation with Thanos in The Avengers: End Game.

Titan Books and authors Marie Javins and Stuart Moore, along some very talented designers and artists present The Art Of Ironman 3 The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga, an oversize hardbound book with pages printed on dull-coat gloss paper that makes the photos and art in the interior pop.

Beautifully designed and laid out the book delves into the story of the film and provides production sketches, art and some interesting observations and behind-the-scenes information that when combined offer a killer examination of the film.

Page through the book and check out the armor, costume, set, special effects, practical effects, equipment, weapons and all the other goodies that make Ironman 3 a thrilling armor-plated delight.

Look for storyboards, high-tech sketches and designs and so much more that it makes the mid boggle. Full-color photos and art fill the book’s pages in full-page and multi-page spreads.

Learn all about the Ironman armor, The Ten Rings, The Mandarin, Extremis and other key tech, individuals and moments in the film.

Ironman was great, Ironman 2 bumped up the tech and Ironman 3 brings it all together to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

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