Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Zits Current Mood

Teenagers-I vaguely remember being one. Of course I was the ‘perfect’ teen-courteous, obedient, polite, quiet, in control of my emotions and hormones and logical   -as if!!

Like all teenagers I was a mess and I gathered all my family and friends to join in on my teenage angst, temperament and illogical choices and perspective on life.

In Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman’s newest Zits collection of daily and Sunday comic strips; Current Mood, published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, teenage temperaments and chaos are on full display.

Jeremy and his high school classmates make life ‘interesting’ for his parents, teachers, adults and society at large.

One moment they are well-behaved teenagers the next moment hormone driven beasts, children in adult bodies and perpetrators of adolescent antics.

Experience humiliation via parent, classic book chaos, a locker compactor, an energy drink overdose and other outrageous incidents anyone who has experienced teenage life.

Somewhere inside of you is a frazzled, frantic, frenzied and flipped out teenager-let Zits free your teen!

1 John 4:19 - We love him, because he first loved us.

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