Friday, July 12, 2024

Time Buddies 1

Time travel-I’ve been fascinated by the concept ever since I read H.G. Well’s The Time Machine novel and saw the early film adaptation of the book.

Imagine being able to travel the centuries to the past or to the future.

What would it be like to visit past events and witness history or travel to the future to see what is to become?

When I spotted Time Buddies 1 by Colleen, Thomas, Cody, Nguyen and Venable, published by Andews McMeel Publishing, I was immediately intrigued.

The Epic! hardbound book is a graphic novel in book form featuring full-color illustrations broken down by chapters of individual time periods.

Join Hoot, the owl from the future and Bentley, the boy from the present, as they meet via hieroglyphic drawings and a chrono-belt.

Somehow the drawings activate the chrono-belt and they are hurdled through time, totally out of control.

While on their journey they wind up in the time of the dinosaurs, witness the wonders of ancient Egypt, hit the dusty trails in the Old West, meet up with Leonardo Da Vinci in the Renaissance and eventually take part in one of the most unusual time compilations ever imagined.

Along the way they bump into some unusual characters-not all of them good, and somehow manage to make it home.

Look for some interesting time facts, sketches and more.

John 13:34-35 - A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

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