Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Incredible Hulk #305

Well, Well, Well Hulk...fancy Meeting You Here!

After Doctor Strange banishes The Hulk to an alternate dimension guess who shows up to greet him.

It seems the Hulk’s enemies The U-Foes just happen to be in the same dimension that they were sent to in a previous Marvel title.

They are not happy to see him and waste no time attacking.  They hope to escape via the lingering dimensional portal that The Hulk arrived in.

Things look bad for The Hulk until a mysterious energy being who lives in the alternate dimension aids him against the U-Foes.

Together the alien and Hulk successfully send the U-Foes to other deadly dimensions.  The only problem is that The Hulk’s new alien ally didn’t fair to well in the final battle.

Bill Mantlo provides the words and Sal Buscema (John Buscema’s younger brother) pencils the epic with inks by Gerry Talado.

Is this the end of the U-Foes (don’t bet on it!)?  Will The Hulk survive to return to earth?  Who is The Hulk’s new alien ally?

That’s just a few of the questions that need to be answered as The Hulk begins a whole new set of adventures through various dimensions in Marvel Comics’ The Incredible Hulk #305!

Deuteronomy 20:4 - For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

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