Saturday, September 21, 2024

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

What was Disney's first science fiction movie?

The movie 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea was Walt Disney’s first foray into the world of live cinema science

With the film Disney put his whole studio in jeopardy.  At that time Disneyland was in its infancy, Disney and films were popular but the prospect of spending an enormous amount of money on a live action film seems foolhardy.

Still Walt Disney had faith in his creative staff.  Placing his reputation on the line Disney proceeded with the film.

The entire film had to be produced from scratch including the sets, wardrobe, practical and special effects and the selection of the cast.

It’s the 19th Century; someone or something is sinking warships and vanishing without a trace.

An investigative military team, along with some civilians search for the assailant.

When their ship is attacked and sunk a few passengers manage to survive only to come across a strange metal ship.

The ship is the Nautilus, a submarine, is commanded by Captain Nemo the fanatical anti-war advocate who uses his submarine to sink warships.

The unwilling passengers soon find themselves on a strange journey that leads them on an expedition beneath the waves, an encounter with a giant squid and fleeing a fast approaching armada to stop the Nautilus.

James Mason, Kirk Douglas, Peter Lorre are just a few of the stellar cast to star in this monumental and big budget film from Disney.

A Special Edition 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea DVD collection was released by Disney.

Besides the film the DVD collection also includes lots of featurettes about the making of the film, how it was promoted, the music, commentaries and so much more.

Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

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