Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Good Days And MAD

"It's MAD I tell you!  MAD, MAD!"

There are good days and then there are MAD days. Longtime employee of MAD magazine Dick DeBartolo recounts his nearly three decades with the magazine.

He offers fond memories of the usual bunch of idiots who made up the staff and their lovable boss William M. Gaines.

Chock full of memories the book is bulging with art and photos from the magazine’s long publication history.

Get ready for a hysterical tour behind the scenes at MAD Magazine.

DeBartolo recalls his career at the magazine and working with some of the most talented people in the industry in Good Days And MAD courtesy of Thunder's Mouth Press.

To say MAD was unconventional is an understatement.

Writers and artists had almost total free reign and no idea was too outrageous to be considered.

Readers learn about the camaraderie of the creative staff, loyalty, longevity, collaboration and most of all their love for their boss: William M. Gaines.

First hand accounts from both the author and other individuals on the staff along with photos, notes, art, sketches, interviews and commentaries bring the MAD days back to life.

Unfortunately MAD no longer exists in the conventional sense.  Newsstand distribution has stopped and only subscribers and those who purchase the magazine through DC Comics store will receive issues.  

Issues will feature new cover art, reprint interiors with only year-end issues containing new material.

After nearly a 70-year run the premiere humor magazine of America is no more.  It’s SAD and too BAD there will be no more MAD.

Read MAD.  Great humor.  Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

Mark 11:25 - And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

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