Sunday, September 15, 2024

Godzilla The Encyclopedia

Where did Godzilla originate?

Godzilla-the giant lizard with incredible strength and powers has captivated movie-going audiences since the mid-1950s.

I recall seeing my very first Godzilla movie when I was young. It was an American adaptation of the original Godzilla movie with inserted scenes of actor Raymond Burr (Perry Mason and Ironside).

The movie was not only a hit in Japan but the United States and around the world.

Dozens of Godzilla movies have been made since the first one. Included in the movies (and animated series) are a cornucopia of Godzilla foes and allies ranging from flying lizards to weird alien and robot antagonists.

Godzilla was created by the Japanese movie industry as a allegory of the atomic bomb attacks upon Japan during WWII. The movies symbolize mankind’s talent for destruction of not only of fellow humans but the environment and the earth itself.

Godzilla spawned a whole industry dedicated to promoting the giant lizard with toys, publications, miscellaneous merchandise and more.

In author Shinji Nishikawa’s and Titan Books’ softbound book: Godzilla The Encyclopedia, full-color illustrations accompanied by highly-informative text tracks the genesis of Godzilla to the present day.

Full descriptions of each movie, appearance, creature powers, foes and allies and much more are covered in full detail. There are many interesting side notes of little known facts and much more in this exhaustive reference about the giant and powerful Godzilla.

Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

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