Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ironman Beneath The Armor

Ol' Shellhead's Armor!

What lies beneath the gold and red armor of Ironman? Writer Andy Mangels and Del Rey ask readers to steel themselves for an inside look at the original heavy metal hero in Ironman Beneath The Armor!

The oversize softbound book features a full-color illustration of Ironman on its cover with a short description of the contents of the book on the back cover.

What makes this book so practical and informative is the way it is laid out.

The book starts out with an extensive examination of the life of Tony Stark, how he became Ironman, what changes he went through in his life and the people he affected.

A photo gallery of key Ironman appearances also showcases and displays followed up by Ironman’s interaction with other Marvel characters, his movie premiere, a rogue’s gallery and so much more.

Like his gallery of Ironman armor the book traces the evolution of the character, his growing popularity and what the future holds in store for ol’ Shellhead.

God, my father, continues to supply me books to read either via review copies or in used book stores.

Hebrews 10:25 - Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

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