Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Vikings: Valhalla Season One

Vikings get a bad rap. Most people associate Vikings with horn-adorned warriors that raped, pillaged, plundered and destroyed. That was partially true, but Vikings were much more than that.

They were a seafaring people, farmers, craftsmen, fierce warriors and family-centered, religious and intensely independent and proud.

Did you know it was the Vikings that first discovered America, not Christopher Columbus? Viking swords were remarkable examples of metal working as were their jewelry, wood-working, dwellings and places of worship and burial.

In Warner Bros./Discovery’s Vikings: Valhalla The Complete First Season Blu-ray release viewers witness the exploits of three of the Vikings most famous leaders and warriors: Leif Eriksson, Freydis Eriksdotter and Harald Sigurdsson.

Follow their exploits as they battle the English in their battle for survival.

Internal conflicts abound as pagan and Christian Vikings vie for superiority and as a whole the Vikings cross oceans, hostile territories and battlefields in their quest for glory and survival.

Beautifully filmed, the series also features amazing sets, historically accurate costumes and weapons and realistic depictions on Viking life.

Psalms 31:24 - Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.




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