Thursday, September 5, 2024

Odd Job

"Do you expect me talk?"

"No, Mr. Bond.  I expect you to die!"

To me the James Bond film Goldfinger set the standard by which all James Bond films that followed it adhered to and emulated.  It was the ‘gold’ standard when it came to Bond films.

The women, gadgets, cars, locations and especially the villains catapulted the film to near legendary status.

While Auric Goldfinger-the gold hunger, megalomaniac filthy rich madman was the main antagonist it was his head henchman Oddjob that stole the spotlight.

The Asian muscle man with the metal-rimmed bowler hat was more than a match for James Bond or anyone else who got in his way.

To me he is the ultimate Bond henchman-cold, ruthless, deadly and dangerous.

The Sideshow Collectibles' 12-inch Oddjob figure comes packaged in a flip lid box with a color reproduction of the Goldfinger poster on its cover.  The sides and back sport photos of Oddjob along with scenes from the movie and short text clips about the film and Oddjob.  

On the inside flap is a rundown on the Goldfinger film and a list of cast members.

The figure and accessories are protected by a clear piece of plastic and held in place by a plastic cocoon and straps.  A sheet of tissue paper keeps the protective plastic from scrubbing.

Included with the figure are two bars of German gold, Oddjob’s deadly black bowler hat, his custom pistol with silencer and a Goldfinger circular base with wire support for posing the figure.

The Oddjob figure is fully posable with multiple points of articulation.

Clothing moves and folds naturally over the figure without binding.

The figure’s hands are preset to hold the accessories with no slippage and when set on the wire support base the figure poses and remains in position without slipping due to looseness.

The figure’s head matches that of Oddjob with its short-cropped hair, small piercing eyes, stern look, small mustache and thick neck.

Its attire consists of a white shirt with black tie, a black jacket with buttons, pockets and padded shoulders, gray pants and black shoes.

The paint application, sculpt and clothing are all expertly done with no paint slopover or rough articulation edges and expertly stitched and designed clothing.

It’s a well-done figure that captures the evil essence of Oddjob-one of filmdom’s famous villains.

1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

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