Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pocket Ref.

Are you tired of going to the library or searching on the internet for information (for example) automobiles, carpentry, chemistry, math, tools, first aid and any other information-specialized or in general?

Yeah, I thought so. So have I. It’s a pain.

Where do you start? Is the information viable and true? Why can’t all the information about a particular subject be in one place? Is there too much information?

Why can’t information be condensed down to the simplest terms with all the pertinent information easy to use and understand?

There’s a solution.

Pick up author Thomas J. Glover’s Pocket Ref. 4th Edition pocket size, paperback book from Sequoia Publishing clocking in at 864 pages.

Trust me, you can find all the information you want in this awesome pocket condensed library. It’s must-have for me. I carry it around wherever I go-packed away in my notebook journal. I take it on trips, visits, to church, restaurants-everywhere!

What an awesome reference tool that brings information to my fingertips as quick as 1, 2, 3!

Filled with stats, specs, charts, maps, illustrations, easy-to-understand instructions and informational text this is the perfect take-it-wherever- you-go guide, that fits in your pocket, purse or in my case-my journal.

I should have got one years ago. Get yours today!

Hebrews 11:1 - 13:25 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


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